One solution to economic hardship is for you to find an additional income. Millions of people look for supplemental income every day. If you are one of them and are considering dabbling in forex, you should read on for some vital tips. If you are losing money, cut your losses and run. Traders often make the mistake of trying to ride out the market until a turn around, however this is often a mistake. If you are showing a profit, keep going but when things turn south get out. Make this tip a integral part of your trading plan. Having a reliable and capable broker is crucial to your success in forex trading. Make sure that your broker is not fake or unreliable, to avoid losing investment. Ensure that your needs fit the profile of your broker as well, in order for you to have a good working relationship. Don't depend on any insider tips or rumors you hear when trading in the foreign exchange markets. You never know when such a tip will truly pan out, and you could be facing a significant loss if you bank on an insider tip. Simply watch the market to see if the rumor pans out before putting money on it. Know your forex markets. The first market to open is the Australasia area, then Europe and finally, North America. Quite often a market's trading time will overlap with another one, making this the most active trading period. During the trading week, there is always a market open, where you will be able to make a currency trade. Avoid highly leveraged accounts when you are new to forex trading. Though rewards can potentially be phenomenal with a win, a loss will be a multiplied disaster. Do not get on your account until you have been trading a while and better understand the risks involved with leverage. Remember when using Forex that leverage acts as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's good to create a low-leverage account, as it minimizes risk. But on the other hand, operating with low leverage will drastically limit your profit potential with Forex. Find a happy medium for the best possible approach. Never be misled by any profit gains in Forex. This is the number-one way traders end up losing their money and ultimately failing. Remember that the same things that make you laugh can make you cry in this market, and you can lose that $700 in the exact same way you gained it, only quicker! It may be tempting to allow complete automation of the trading process once you find some measure of success with the software. Profit losses can result because of this. When using Forex to trade currencies, it's all about knowing the time zones and when certain markets stop quoting others. For instance, American traders specifically should realize that the New York market stops quoting the British Pound at noon. This can cause problems, since London is the biggest Forex market. Forex can be used as a main income source or just as supplemental income. This is contingent, of course, upon the degree of success you can achieve as a trader. In order to be successful, you have to first understand how trading works.