Building Trust With Doctor Windows Doctors are committed to a lifetime of education taking advantage of advances in medical knowledge and methods. They also perform research, contributing to the advancement of healthcare. Doctor windows can help separate waiting rooms and staff workspaces from one another, reducing the chance that someone will overhear confidential patient information. They can also improve administrative tasks and make them more secure. Enhances Patient Confidence The relationship between physicians and their patients is sacred. Building trust requires a keen eye and a keen understanding of details. Transparency windows that slide glass are one way to help strengthen this relationship, enabling medical offices to allow natural light into waiting rooms, and balance the requirements of openness and privacy. A recent survey asked patients to evaluate their most recent visit with a doctor in respect of seven aspects of interpersonal interaction that included 'Giving you enough time', 'Asking questions about your symptoms', 'Listening to you explaining the results and treatments' 'Involving you in decisions about your care', and 'Taking your concerns seriously'. The results revealed that the most significant factor that influenced confidence and trust was a feeling that problems were taken seriously. The next most important factor was a feeling that the doctor listened to their concerns and feeling that they were treated with care and care. The survey also examined the interactions between age, gender and race with these interpersonal factors. The odds ratios for each of the ratings were calculated using the binary logistic regression "interaction model". The model was then used to determine the overall effect and the confidence of the patient in their doctor. The ORs along with their 95% confidence intervals are listed in table 3. These ORs suggest that it is possible to design a consult