Building Trust With Doctor Windows Doctors are committed to a lifetime of learning taking advantage of advances in medical knowledge and practices. They also conduct research, contributing to the improvement of healthcare. Doctor windows can help separate waiting rooms and offices from workspaces for staff which reduces the chance of someone listening in on confidential patient information. They also make administrative tasks more efficient and secure. between doctors and their patients is one of the most sacred. To build trust, it requires a keen eye and a keen understanding of particulars. Sliding glass windows for transactions can help strengthen this relationship, enabling medical offices to allow natural light into waiting rooms, and balance the requirements of openness with privacy. In a recent survey, patients were asked to rate their most recent consultation with a doctor in terms of seven aspects of interpersonal communication. These included: "Giving you sufficient time", "Asking you about your symptoms", "Listening to You", Explaining tests, treatments, and other care options', and taking your concerns seriously. The results indicated that the feeling of being taken seriously was the most important factor in influencing confidence and trust. The second most important factor was a feeling that the doctor listened to their concerns and, after that, the feeling that they were treated with care and care. The survey also explored the interactions between age, gender and ethnicity on these inter-personal factors. The odds ratios for each rating were calculated using the binary logistic regression "interaction model". The model was used to determine the overall effect and the trust of the patient with their doctor. Table 3 shows the ORs and their respective 95 percent confidence intervals. These ORs suggest that it is possible to design consultations that will have an impact positive on the health