These studies further establish cholesterol pathway inhibition as a dominant mechanism among screening hits that enhance human, rat, or mouse oligodendrocyte formation.We present a novel decomposition scheme for electronic interaction energies based on the flexible formulation of fragmentation schemes through fragment combination ranges (FCRs; J. Chem. Phys., 2021, 155, 164105). We devise a clear additive decomposition with contribution of nondisjoint fragments and correction terms for overlapping fragments and apply this scheme to the metalloenzyme-substrate complex of a lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) with an oligosaccharide. By this, we further illustrate the straightforward adaptability of the FCR-based schemes to novel systems. Our calculations suggest that the description of the electronic structure is a larger error source than the fragmentation scheme. In particular, we find a large impact of the basis set size on the interaction energies. Still, the introduction of three-body interaction terms in the fragmentation setup improves the agreement to the supermolecular reference. Yet, the qualitative results for the decomposition scheme with two-body terms only largely agree within the investigated electronic-structure approaches and basis sets, which are B97-3c, DFT (TPSS and B3LYP), and MP2 methods. The overlap contributions are found to be small, allowing analysis of the interaction energy into individual amino acid residues We find a particularly strong interaction between the substrate and the LPMO copper active site.The AD7c-NTP is a promising biomarker for AD diagnosis. However, the exact urinary AD7c-NTP concentration to differentiate AD from the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) remains inconclusive. We enrolled 98 and 90 clinical defined AD and MCI patients, respectively, and access their cognition impairment with Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and Mental State Examination (MMSE)