Acquired estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) mutation is being promoted as a key mechanism of resistance to endocrine therapies in breast cancers. It is significative to monitor ESR1 mutations in real time, which provide an opportunity to alter therapy as these mutations emerge. Previous assays based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) and digital PCR (dPCR) usually due to high costs and complicated workflows hampered their clinical adoption in general medical institutions. Here, we proposed a new strategy using base-specific invasive reaction assisted qPCR measure for ESR1 mutations in cfDNA. Two pivotal steps involved in this strategy are target-specific signal generation and the quantification without adding any internal reference or making standard calibration curves. The strategy enabled a high specificity of 0.1% (better than traditional NGS-based method) and a minimum sensitivity of 0.1 copies μL-1. As validation, with the strategy, cfDNA from endocrine therapy-resistant breast cancers and untreated ones were successfully analyzed (20% mutation rate (2/10) with mutation abundance of 0.54-1.65% vs. 0% mutation rate (0/5)). By virtue of cost-effective, highly flexible and precise, the strategy could be readily implemented in general laboratory, showing promising application perspectives in analysis of other types of mutations.The clinically tested KCa3.1 channel blocker, senicapoc, has been proven to have excellent pharmacological properties and prior clinical trials found it to be safe for use in patients with sickle cell anaemia. Currently, several preclinical projects are aiming to repurpose senicapoc for other indications, but well-described analytical methods in the literature are lacking. Our aim was to develop a sensitive, rapid and accurate ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method using pneumatically assisted electrospray ionisation (UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) suitable for the determination of senicapoc in plasma samples. Unfortunately, direct analysis of senicapoc in crude acetonitrile extracts of human plasma samples by UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS was subjected to significant and variable ion suppression from coeluting phospholipids (PLs). The interferences were mainly caused by the presence of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine classes of PLs, including their lyso-products. However, the PLs were easily removed from crude extracts by filtration through a sorbent with Lewis acid properties which decreased the total ion suppression effect to approximately 5%. Based on this technique, a simple high-throughput UHPLC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for the determination of senicapoc in 100-μL plasma samples. The lower limit of quantification was 0.1 ng/mL. The mean true extraction recovery was close to 100 %. The relative intra-laboratory reproducibility standard deviations of the measured concentrations were 8% and 4% at concentrations of 0.1 ng/mL and 250 ng/mL, respectively. The trueness expressed as the relative bias of the test results was within ± 2% at concentrations of 1 ng/mL or higher.Apicomplexan species in the genus Sarcocystis form tissue cysts, in their intermediate hosts, similar to those established in chronic toxoplasmosis. More than 200 species are known, but just a few are known to threaten human health owing to infection in livestock species. Intestinal sarcocystosis occurs when people consume raw or undercooked beef contaminated with Sarcocystis hominis or S. heydorni or undercooked pork contaminated with S. suihominis. Those infections may cause mild enteritis, but most infections are thought to be asymptomatic. People also become dead-end (intermediate) hosts for non-human Sarcocystis spp. after accidentally ingesting sporocysts, leading to extraintestinal sarcocystosis. The clinical spectrum may range from asymptomatic muscle cysts to a severe, acute, eosinophilic myositis associated with systemic symptoms with peripheral eosinophilia. Most human cases have been described from Southeast Asia, but Sarcocystis parasites have a worldwide distribution, especially where livestock is raised, and human infections in other areas have been described but may be underrecognized.The addition of antioxidants to the cryopreservation medium has been shown to exert a positive effect on the quality of frozen-thawed sperm in different species. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of supplementing the freezing medium with butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) and melatonin (MEL) in frozen-thawed pig spermatozoa. With this purpose, six ejaculates coming from six separate boars were cryopreserved in traditional freezing medium (i.e. lactose/egg-yolk/glycerol; Control) supplemented with 1.0 mM BHT (BHT-1), 2.0 mM BHT (BHT-2), 0.01 μM MEL (MEL-1) and 1.0 μM MEL (MEL-2). We evaluated sperm viability, membrane lipid disorder, acrosome integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential, lipid peroxidation, oxidation of thiol groups, and levels of total reactive oxygen species (ROS), peroxynitrite and superoxide anion (·O2-). We also analysed total (TM) and progressive sperm motilities (PM), and kinetic parameters at post-thaw (T0, T30 and T60). The BHT-2 and MEL-2 groups presented higher viability and acrosome integrity, and lower levels of peroxynitrite, ·O2- and lipid peroxidation than the control (P less then 0.05), whereas MEL-2 diminished the levels of total ROS (P less then 0.05). TM and PM were not affected by the treatment, while, LIN and STR shows differences between experimental groups. In conclusion, the addition of BHT and MEL to cryopreservation medium diminishes oxidative and nitrosative stress markers, which has repercussions for the integrity of plasma and acrosomal membranes of frozen-thawed spermatozoa.N'-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) is one of the most prevalent and toxic tobacco-specific nitrosoamines. A chiral center at its 2'-position results in R and S enantiomers, the partial double bond character of the NN = O group also results in E and Z isomers, therefore, NNN can form a total of four absolute configurations (E-(R)-NNN, E-(S)-NNN, Z-(R)-NNN, and Z-(S)-NNN). This study investigated the resolution of R/S enantiomers and E/Z isomers of NNN by supercritical fluid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (SFC-MS/MS). The baseline separation of E/Z-(R,S)-NNN isomers/enantiomers was accomplished through the optimization of chiral columns and co-solvents. Due to the lack of single standard of E/Z isomers, only R-NNN (sum of E-(R)-NNN and Z-(R)-NNN) and S-NNN (sum of E-(S)-NNN and Z-(S)-NNN) were further examined. Through the comprehensive optimization of SFC-MS/MS conditions, R-NNN and S-NNN were separated with a run time of 5 min, the developed method was validated, and its applicability to the determination of NNN enantiomers in burley tobacco samples was demonstrated.