Acute heart failure (HF) is commonly caused by a cardiomyopathy with one or more precipitating factor. Here, a case in which a cardiomyopathy is precipitated by pulmonary embolism (PE). A 77-year-old man is admitted for breathlessness and leg swelling. A mild reduction of left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction is found, with moderately increased LV wall thickness and pulmonary hypertension; clinical examination revealed signs of congestion with bilateral leg swelling, and mild signs of left HF with the absence of pulmonary congestion on chest X-ray. The ECG showed Mobitz I second-degree atrioventricular block. The clinical scenario led us to the diagnosis of infiltrative cardiomyopathy due to cardiac amyloidosis (CA) precipitated by PE. Pulmonary embolism is an overlooked precipitant of HF and can be the first manifestation of an underlying misdiagnosed cardiomyopathy, especially CA. 3,3-Diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid scan is a cornerstone in the diagnosis of Transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) cardiac amyloidosis.Lipoblastomas are benign tumours of immature fat cells presenting in infancy. A lipoblastoma within the airway lumen causing airway compromise is an extremely rare occurrence. We present a 6 hours of life girl who had airway compromise due to a lobulated mass at the base of the tongue. The mass was excised after emergency endotracheal intubation.An early-term infant with uncomplicated perinatal history was found to have a large thrombus in the aortic arch after he failed regular newborn critical congenital heart defect screen. He responded well to bivalirudin thrombolytic and tissue-plasminogen activator (tPA) combination therapy, with a significant resolution of the thrombus. The infant tolerated hospital admission well with no significant complications. He was discharged home on daily aspirin at 2 weeks of life. To our knowledge, the combination therapy approach with bivalirudin and tPA is the first one reported in the literature in the neonatal age group.A 42-year-old man presented to the gastroenterology clinic with features of gastric outlet obstruction, significant weight loss, anaemia, ascites, and pain in the lower back and left thigh. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed wall thickening in the antropyloric region of the stomach and enhancing soft tissue lesion in the left psoas and right gluteal region. Gastroscopy revealed a circumferential growth in the antrum and pylorus of the stomach, and biopsy from the growth was reported as moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Positron emission tomography-CT scan showed multiple skeletal muscle metastases all over the body. Fine-needle aspiration cytology and immunohistochemistry from the psoas lesion confirmed metastatic adenocarcinoma deposits. He underwent antropyloric stenting for his obstructive symptoms and received supportive care, finally succumbed to his illness after 6 weeks.An 85-year-old man was referred to endocrinology following the discovery of an incidental pituitary mass on cranial imaging which was thought to be a non-functioning adenoma during an admission with headaches, lethargy, confusion and hyponatraemia. He had a history of Hürthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid treated with total thyroidectomy, ablative radioiodine therapy and thyroxine replacement. Subsequently, he developed metastatic spread to the neck, lungs and skeleton. About 9 months later, the patient had deterioration of vision. MRI showed a rapidly expanding pituitary mass with compression of the optic chiasm. Biochemical investigations confirmed hypocortisolism and hypogonadism. The patient underwent trans-sphenoidal resection of the pituitary mass followed by external beam radiotherapy to the pituitary bed. Histopathology confirmed a metastatic deposit of Hürthle cell carcinoma, which is a rare and aggressive variant of follicular thyroid carcinoma.There is a wide range of hymenal variants which exist and usually become apparent to women during puberty. Our case describes a 16-year-old woman with a previously undiagnosed hymenal septum who presented with a retained tampon within the urinary bladder. This case report discusses a rare presentation of a hymenal variant and highlights the importance of understanding the difference in pelvic examinations in children and adolescents when compared with adults and awareness of the different hymenal variants.Dasatinib, an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is approved for therapy of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Common adverse effects of this therapy include myelosuppression, fluid retention and diarrhoea. However, Clostridioides difficile infections (CDIs) in the context of dasatinib therapy, without a history of antecedent antibiotic use, has not been reported previously. We present here a case of a 36-year-old man diagnosed with accelerated phase of CML, who was started on treatment with dasatinib. Two months into therapy, he experienced profuse diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Colonoscopy revealed multiple confluent colonic mucosal ulcerations. Immunoassay study of stool revealed positive C. difficile toxin. The patient was started on oral metronidazole, with discontinuation of all other drugs, including dasatinib. He made a complete uneventful recovery following 2 weeks of antibiotic therapy. Chemotherapeutic agents, such as dasatinib, should be considered as possible etiological agents in the pathogenesis of CDI, even in absence of antibiotic use.Hip dislocations are common orthopaedic emergencies which need early intervention to have a better outcome. They usually occur as a result of high energy trauma with motor vehicle accidents being the most common cause followed by fall from height. Posterior hip dislocation is more common than anterior. However, bilateral hip dislocations are rare compared with unilateral. Here we report our case with bilateral posterior hip dislocation with one side having head of femur fracture and contralateral side acetabulum fracture. Both hips were reduced under general anaesthesia on the same day of the trauma. Staged definitive treatment was carried out. The patient had an early recovery with no complications. This case represents an unusual, type of injury resulting from a high speed motor vehicle accident. Early diagnosis, immediate resuscitation and reduction of the hip joints followed by a careful and planned definitive treatment is necessary to have a better outcome.