Geriatric syndromes represent a critical domain in the population more than 60 years old. Basic syndromes include frailty, sarcopenia, loss of body mass, and a mild cognitive disorder. These are significant problems which can affect the quality of life. In our study, the Rapid Geriatric Assessment (RGA) tool was used to assess the geriatric syndromes, and the WHOQOL-BREF was used to assess the quality of life to survey 498 respondents from a population aged 60 and older. In all the assessments, the distribution of variables was tested, a nonnormal distribution of variables was identified, and subsequently, nonparametric tests were performed to identify the differences between groups. The study showed that the domain of physical health and the psychological domain were most affected. The results have shown that individual geriatric syndromes affect certain domains of the quality of life of the population above 60 with various intensity. Geriatric syndromes represent a critical domain in the population more than 60 years old. Basic syndromes include frailty, sarcopenia, loss of body mass, and a mild cognitive disorder. These are significant problems which can affect the quality of life. In our study, the Rapid Geriatric Assessment (RGA) tool was used to assess the geriatric syndromes, and the WHOQOL-BREF was used to assess the quality of life to survey 498 respondents from a population aged 60 and older. In all the assessments, the distribution of variables was tested, a nonnormal distribution of variables was identified, and subsequently, nonparametric tests were performed to identify the differences between groups. The study showed that the domain of physical health and the psychological domain were most affected. The results have shown that individual geriatric syndromes affect certain domains of the quality of life of the population above 60 with various intensity.Multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa poses a serious problem due to hospital- and healthcare-associated infections. A major drug resistance mechanism of P. aeruginosa involves active efflux via resistance nodulation cell division (RND)-type multidrug efflux pumps of which MexXY is increasingly recognized as a primary determinant of aminoglycoside resistance in P. aeruginosa. MexXY overexpression is often observed in drug-resistant P. aeruginosa clinical isolates. MexXY deficiency increased pyoverdine production in all four P. aeruginosa strains we tested. MexXY-overproducing multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa PA7 exhibited the greatest effect among the strains. Complementation with a MexXY-expressing plasmid restored low-level pyoverdine production in a MexXY-deficient P. aeruginosa mutant from PA7, indicating that MexXY expression decreases pyoverdine production. Because P. aeruginosa produces pyoverdine to acquire iron, MexXY-deficient mutants might be more susceptible to iron deficiency than MexXY-producing strains or might require extra iron. High-risk clones of multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa reportedly tend to be MexXY overproducers but defective pyoverdine producers. This study suggests that P. aeruginosa reduces production of a virulence factor after acquiring a drug resistance factor.Native biofluid peptides offer important information about diseases, holding promise as biomarkers. Particularly, the non-invasive nature of urine sampling, and its high peptide concentration, make urine peptidomics a useful strategy to study the pathogenesis of renal conditions. Moreover, the high number of detectable peptides as well as their specificity set the ground for the expansion of urine peptidomics to the identification of surrogate biomarkers for extra-renal diseases. Peptidomics further allows the prediction of proteases (degradomics), frequently dysregulated in disease, providing a complimentary source of information on disease pathogenesis and biomarkers. Then, what does urine peptidomics tell us so far? In this paper, we appraise the value of urine peptidomics in biomarker research through a comprehensive analysis of all datasets available to date. We have mined > 50 papers, addressing > 30 different conditions, comprising > 4700 unique peptides. Bioinformatic tools were used to reanalyze peptide profiles aiming at identifying disease fingerprints, to uncover hidden disease-specific peptides physicochemical properties and to predict the most active proteases associated with their generation. The molecular patterns found in this study may be further validated in the future as disease biomarker not only for kidney diseases but also for extra-renal conditions, as a step forward towards the implementation of a paradigm of predictive, preventive and personalized (3P) medicine.We showed how to use trained neural networks to perform Bayesian reasoning in order to solve tasks outside their initial scope. Deep generative models provide prior knowledge, and classification/regression networks impose constraints. The tasks at hand were formulated as Bayesian inference problems, which we approximately solved through variational or sampling techniques. The approach built on top of already trained networks, and the addressable questions grew super-exponentially with the number of available networks. In its simplest form, the approach yielded conditional generative models. However, multiple simultaneous constraints constitute elaborate questions. We compared the approach to specifically trained generators, showed how to solve riddles, and demonstrated its compatibility with state-of-the-art architectures.The purpose of disinfectants is to reduce microorganisms on a contaminated surface and to prevent the spread of microorganisms. The relatively new EN 16615 simulates disinfection by wiping and allows for assessing the recovery of microorganisms from the surface and, importantly, the degree of spread of microorganisms when the surface is disinfected by wiping. For the first time, using this standard, the tested products in the form of commercial disinfectant wipes were compared with self-made wipes soaked in respective disinfectant liquids. The disinfected surfaces were simulated by homogeneous polyvinyl chloride plates. The studies were carried out not only with the standard, but also with clinical multidrug-resistant microbial strains. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the most effective products in the disinfection process (log10 reduction of ≥5) with the shortest contact time (1 min) were products containing ethanol, propanol, and quaternary ammonium compounds (self-made wipes) and propanol (commercial wipes).