Adding OA in the food modified the probability that foragers switch from nectar to pollen collection. The proportion of pollen foragers also increased after feeding colonies with OA-containing food. Furthermore, the expression level of the AmoctαR1 was upregulated in foragers arriving at pollen sources compared with those arriving at sugar-water feeders. Using age-matched pollen and nectar foragers that returned to the hive, we detected an upregulated expression of a TYR receptor gene in the suboesophageal ganglia. These findings support our prediction that OA signalling affects the decision in honeybee foragers to collect pollen or nectar. Continuous negative extra-thoracic pressure (CNEP) can prevent children with apnea developing severe respiratory infection with endotracheal intubation. Little is known about children with mild acute respiratory disease, especially with a focus on clinical respiratory symptoms. We conducted a prospective, observational study between July 2014 and July 2017 to evaluate the safety of a modified setting of CNEP in hospitalized children with symptoms of chest wall retraction or nasal alar breathing without the requirement for immediate intubation therapy in a single center. A modified setting of CNEP was defined as 4 hours of treatment that comprised 3 consecutive hours of CNEP followed by 1 hour of rest. We studied 19 hospitalized children with retraction or nasal breathing but no possible state of endotracheal intubation. The median age at admission was 0.9 years and the duration of CNEP was 6 days. No sedative drugs were used. The percentage of children with retraction or nasal breathing after 24 hours from initiation of CNEP was significantly decreased compared with that just before CNEP (68% vs 100%, p=0.02). Logistic regression showed no statistical evidence of contributing factors for pulmonary symptoms. While no patients were transferred to receive intubation, one boy re-init