Finally, an early warning strategy was proposed to prevent accidents, whose performance was evaluated by several simulations carried out through SUMO simulator. The comparison with some classic risk indicators indicate that our proposed PFI can more accurately reflect the actual driving risk faced by vehicles under different vehicle motion states and thus is more suitable for driving risk assessment in the CAVs environment. It is expected that the findings in this study could be valuable in improving the performance of strategic decision-making in driver assistance systems in the CAVs environment.Cell phone use while driving is becoming a key problem in traffic safety as it causes visual-manual distraction and has been linked to increases in crash rates. The use of hand-held phones has been banned in several countries, yet research comparing the safety of hands-free phone use with hand-held has produced inconsistent results. Analysis of specific phone use characteristics could help move this traffic safety problem toward a solution, but few studies have considered the influence on driving performance of specific sets of phone use characteristics in combination with other factors such as driving context and driver demographic characteristics. The main objective of this paper is therefore to identify and analyze these factors to determine their effects on driving performance indicators such as speed changes. To this end, 1244 phone events were collected from 52 drivers from the Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study (SH-NDS), the first naturalistic driving data in China. Because subtasks within a phone eveuse. While we were unable to find similar differences in mean speed and mean headway, mean lane offset was also significantly lower with phone use than without. A decision tree was developed to identify the factors influencing driver speed change. Results showed that drivers increased, decreased, or maintained speed depending on the type and duration of phone tasks, the duration of the trip, and the type of roadway. Greater understanding of the specific aspects of phone use and their influences on driver distraction and performance will permit the development of more effective countermeasures, including legislation, enforcement, blocking technologies, social norms education, and sending Do Not Disturb messages to callers, all of which will be required to mitigate continued deaths and injuries from phone use while driving.Modern-day Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) with more than 100 million code lines, running up-to a hundred Electronic Control Units (ECUs) will create and exchange digital information with other vehicles and intelligent transport networks. Consequently, ubiquitous internal and external communication (controls, commands, and data) within all CAV-related nodes is inevitably the gatekeeper for the smooth operation. Therefore, it is a primary vulnerable area for cyber-attacks that entails stringent and efficient measures in the form of "cybersecurity". There is a lack of systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on cyber-attacks on the CAVs, respective mitigation strategies, anticipated readiness, and research directions for the future. This study aims to analyse, synthesise, and interpret critical areas for the roll-out and progression of CAVs in combating cyber-attacks. Specifically, we described in a structured way a holistic view of potentially critical avenues, which lies at the heart of technology developers, and decision-makers in shaping and developing a robust CAV-cybersecurity framework.The ultrasonic-assisted extraction of total polyphenol from Allium senescens L. (ASL) seeds was conducted, and the antioxidant efficacy of ASL seed extract (ASLSE) was assessed in Harbin dry sausages. ASLSE extracted with 130 g/mL water at 150 W for 15 min had the highest antioxidant capacities (P 0.05) at 12 d. These results indicated that 6 g/kg ASLSE could be effective in inhibiting lipid and protein oxidation and reducing color deterioration of dry sausages.The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate meat quality properties, muscle metabolite profile and metabolic pathways associated with the occurrence of dark cutting meat in Angus x Nellore crossbreed cattle. After 14 days' ageing, dark cutting meat presented a higher pH, lower cooking loss and colour parameters, and greater tenderness compared with normal meat. Dark cutting meat had a higher ATP level and lower concentrations of glucose-6-phosphate, lactate, glucose, serine, threonine, creatine phosphate, inosine, leucine, methionine, succinate and glucose-1-phosphate compared to normal meat. In dark cutting samples, the ultimate pH was positively correlated with carnitine and negatively correlated with glucose-6-phosphate. However, in normal meat, the ultimate pH presented a positive correlation with arginine, leucine, methionine, proline, threonine, tyrosine and valine. Pathway analysis showed that differentiation of the groups was linked to energetic pathways such as starch and sucrose metabolism, the pentose phosphate pathway, amino sugar, nucleotide sugar metabolism, and glycolysis or gluconeogenesis. In conclusion, the occurrence of dark cutting meat has a notable impact on meat quality attributes and concentrations of post-mortem glycolytic metabolites, appears to be correlated with mitochondrial activity and affects energetic metabolic pathways.Lipid oxidation and proteolysis are essential processes in Serrano dry-cured ham quality. The influence of high pressure processing (HPP) at 600 MPa for 6 min on lipid oxidation, aminopeptidase (AP) activities and free amino acids (FAA) in ripened Serrano hams of different chemical composition after 5 months at 4 °C were studied. HPP increased lipid peroxidation indexes. Composition influenced both indexes, with higher levels in hams of medium or high intramuscular fat (IMF) content and in hams of low or medium salt content or salt-in-lean ratio. HPP lowered AP activities by more than 50%. Composition also affected AP activities, with lower levels in hams of low aw, high IMF content, low salt content or low salt-in-lean ratio. At the end of refrigerated storage, HPP only affected Arg and Tyr levels. Many of the individual FAA reached higher levels in hams of low aw, medium or high IMF content, low or medium salt content, or low or medium salt-in-lean ratio.