dist: xenial language: python python: "3.7" cache: pip branches: except: - legacy - experimental install: pip install -U pip tox script: tox stages: - name: static analysis - name: test - name: docs if: type = push AND branch = master AND fork = false - name: pypi-prod if: type = push AND fork = false AND tag =~ ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+ jobs: fast_finish: true include: - stage: static analysis env: TOXENV=black python: "3.7" - stage: static analysis env: TOXENV=flake8 python: "3.7" - stage: test env: TOXENV=py35 python: "3.5" - stage: test env: TOXENV=py36 python: "3.6" - stage: test env: TOXENV=py37 python: "3.7" - stage: test env: TOXENV=py38 python: "3.8-dev" - stage: test env: TOXENV=py38 python: "nightly" - stage: pypi-prod install: true script: skip deploy: provider: pypi user: InstaPy password: secure: YksWurLkvurfrbSpOkHFTouFg9NCEcl09GikX3v8lk5jXfY8D8TBIQfakck6dYKVFrjaIOxEPm7sqaYm0//oz91NLiSv4iBZL2mLdQ1n8+aQQ9uctoiKMcfBTMp4dDwdCxNqPV0Aco8NbcB6Se0oNd94H54ohA5Al5Z65ivDe3dka+zabeJMa0TO0SXVqY2KmMgFPLScZUqQqKl4HxxgDyWkw9onPz//T9r2u32C7LpP/x8joHQ1jeUlNZZRwkrMaIuOYmmkUZztkj+zBfPpaV4DPPjMAmjo0G9tGmc2pEIE1joUtw0OSpstpvvnchqI6YeMHZ9nITTIEa3fShoAcYmTsiWEeK5XPnmuMt0qdIvflNOi3Ck5vVo1DWzz/S3QyU9YejTZ8TNBOOGLZlrmyDTHpNyTUJB06Euw5Wos8wVxgtIdKLJ/1wvIC+d+n+0wnnhdESEG0lZo1dCbkGHRdJjfYADnu3sUZyDk/3ZrHQBXa/Qw2zB9bT1GLNQNmE32GkRe8Zr6S0H2LrdXggzoBNMZeyJ7qHXwoahsOtO+CeqHmlpaNYD5kstqXLPxIy9ZfOPFa1F2YQ0Kz7Hgdic42DlUcaLf4749EX80668XPAhs3H7LwRhboZuBj6hWgA7I0YQVDRNwJ/nN53fQBWIfoemJwxQ7PqKFiIpW9bbXyPk= distributions: sdist bdist_wheel on: tags: true repo: timgrossmann/InstaPy branches: only: - master - stage: docs language: node_js node_js: - "10" cache: yarn: true script: - git config --global user.name "${GH_NAME}" - git config --global user.email "${GH_EMAIL}" - echo "machine github.com login ${GH_NAME} password ${GH_TOKEN}" > ~/.netrc - cd docusaurus && yarn && GIT_USER="${GH_NAME}" yarn deploy allow_failures: - python: "3.8-dev" - python: "nightly" after_success: - wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiscordHooks/travis-ci-discord-webhook/master/send.sh - chmod +x send.sh - ./send.sh success $DISCORD_WEBHOOK after_failure: - wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiscordHooks/travis-ci-discord-webhook/master/send.sh - chmod +x send.sh - ./send.sh failure $DISCORD_WEBHOOK notifications: email: recipients: - contact.timgrossmann@gmail.com - shahriyarguliyev@hotmail.com on_success: change on_failure: always