"client_id": "746239575955-c4d2o1ahg4ts6ahm3a5lh5lp9g8m15h4.apps.googleusercontent.com", // Client id from Google Cloud Console "client_secret": "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", // Client Secret from Google Cloud Console "refresh_token": "1//0gesYowKyqZlzCgYIARAAGBASNwF-L9IrCYNuVHf79oZp4mFnK2PNNqn2wTMZcAbuoJEuF57-Uojq7QEsLh5wlw7waqC3eitOgho", // Authorize token "service_account": false, // true if you're using Service Account instead of user account "service_account_json": randomserviceaccount, // don't touch this one "files_list_page_size": 50, "search_result_list_page_size": 50, "enable_cors_file_down": false, "enable_password_file_verify": true, // support for .password file "direct_link_protection": false, // protects direct links with Display UI "lock_folders": false, // keeps folders and search locked if auth in on, and allows individual file view "enable_auth0_com": false, // follow guide to add auth0.com to secure index with powerful login based system "roots":[ { "id": "1aq1fITA-bSfy-JKebSt54d6N4iJkazcK", "name": "Drive One", "protect_file_link": false, // "auth": {"username":"password"} /* Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection */ }, ]};