Several of these heuristics were tested in this work for a set of molecular electronic Hamiltonians. On average, grouping qubit-wise commuting terms reduced the number of operators to measure three times less compared to the total number of terms in the considered Hamiltonians.In Paper I [O. Coquand and M. Sperl, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 124112 (2020)], we derived analytical expressions for the structure factor of the square-shoulder potential in a perturbative way around the high- and low-temperature regimes. Here, various physical properties of these solutions are derived. In particular, we investigate the large wave number sector and relate it to the contact values of the pair-correlation function. Then, the thermoelastic properties of the square-shoulder fluids are discussed.Multisite phosphorylation plays an important role in regulating switch-like protein activity and has been used widely in mathematical models. With the development of new experimental techniques and more molecular data, molecular phosphorylation processes emerge in many systems with increasing complexity and sizes. These developments call for simple yet valid stochastic models to describe various multisite phosphorylation processes, especially in large and complex biochemical networks. To reduce model complexity, this work aims at simplifying the multisite phosphorylation mechanism by a stochastic Hill function model. Furthermore, this work optimizes regions of parameter space to match simulation results from the stochastic Hill function with the distributive multisite phosphorylation process. While traditional parameter optimization methods have been focusing on finding the best parameter vector, in most circumstances, modelers would like to find a set of parameter vectors that generate similar system dynamics and results. This paper proposes a general α-β-γ rule to return an acceptable parameter region of the stochastic Hill function based on a