Precipitation plays a vital role in maintaining desert ecosystems in which rain events after drought cause soil respiration (Rs) pulses. However, this process and its underlying mechanism remain ambiguous, particularly under climatic warming conditions. This study aims to determine the magnitude and drivers of Rs resilience to rewetting. We conducted a warming experiment in situ in a desert steppe with three climatic warming scenarios-ambient temperature as the control, long-term and moderate warming treatment, and short-term and acute warming treatment. Our findings showed that the average Rs over the measurement period in the control, moderate and acute warming plots were 0.51, 0.30 and 0.30 μmol·CO2·m-2·s-1, respectively, and significantly increased to 1.72, 1.41 and 1.72 μmol·CO2·m-2·s-1, respectively, after rewetting. Both microbial and root respiration substantially increased by rewetting; microbial respiration contributed more than root respiration to total Rs. The Rs significantly increased with microbial biomass carbon and soil organic carbon (SOC) contents. The Rs increase by rewetting might be due to the greater microbial respiration relying heavily on microbial biomass and the larger amount of available SOC after rewetting. A trackable pattern of Rs resilience changes occurred during the daytime. The resilience of Rs in acute warming plots was significantly higher than those in both moderate warming and no warming plots, indicating that Rs resilience might be enhanced with drought severity induced by climatic warming. These results suggest that climatic warming treatment would enhance the drought resilience of soil carbon effluxes following rewatering in arid ecosystems, consequently accelerating the positive feedback of climate change. Therefore, this information should be included in carbon cycle models to accurately assess ecosystem carbon budgets with future climate change scenarios in terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in arid areas.Public water systems must be tested frequently for coliform bacteria to determine whether other pathogens may be present, yet no testing or disinfection is required for private wells. In this paper, we identify whether well age, type of well, well depth, parcel size, and soil ratings for a leachfield can predict the probability of detecting coliform bacteria in private wells using a multivariate logistic regression model. Samples from 1163 wells were analyzed for the presence of coliform bacteria between October 2017 and October 2019 across Gaston County, North Carolina, USA. The maximum well age was 30 years, and bored wells (median age = 24 years) were older than drilled wells (median age = 19 years). Bored wells were shallower (mean depth = 18 m) compared to drilled wells (mean depth = 79 m). We found coliform bacteria in 329 samples, including 290 of 1091 drilled wells and 39 of 72 bored wells. The model results showed bored wells were 4.76 times more likely to contain bacteria compared to drilled wells. We found that the likelihood of coliform bacteria significantly increased with well age, suggesting that those constructed before well standards were enforced in 1989 may be at a higher risk. We found no significant association between poorly rated soils for a leachfield, well depth, parcel size and the likelihood of having coliform in wells. These findings can be leveraged to determine areas of concern to encourage well users to take action to reduce their risk of drinking possible pathogens in well water.Sustainable fishing practices must ensure human wellbeing by safeguarding the integrity of marine life-supporting systems. Unfortunately, a significant challenge to fisheries management is that sustainable fishing levels can decline, often synergistically, by co-occurring with climate-driven environmental stressors. Within one of the most impacted marine areas in the world, and encompassing a number of highly targeted commercial species, the small pelagic fish community of the western Mediterranean Sea has recently shown signs of collapse. In this study, we identify a worrying coincidence where fishing hotspots for the commercially valuable European sardine Sardina pilchardus and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus occur in marine areas mostly affected by climate change. To identify these areas, we overlayed detailed, spatially explicit measurements of fishing pressure with the finest-scale maps of cumulative climate change impacts onto these species. According to our results, doubly impacted marine areas largely occur in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, with climate and fisheries mostly affecting European sardine. Reducing local stressors (i.e., fishing pressure) in highly impacted areas may contribute to maintain these communities within a "safe operating space" (SOS), where they remain resilient to climate change. Accordingly, the redistribution and/or reduction of fishing intensity may alleviate pressure in those areas already affected by climate change. Sustainable fishing strategies may benefit, therefore, from the SOS concept and the spatial assessments provided in this study.Soil temperature is an important determinant of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, but its effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) dynamics as well as rice biomass in rice paddy ecosystems are not fully understood. We conducted a five-year soil warming experiment in a single-cropping paddy field in Japan. Soil temperatures were elevated by approximate 2 °C with heating wires during the rice growing season and by approximate 1 °C with nighttime thermal blankets during the fallow season. Soil samples were collected in autumn after rice harvest and in spring after fallow each year, and anaerobically incubated at 30 °C for four weeks to determine soil C decomposition and N mineralization potentials. The SOC and TN contents, rice biomass, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) concentrations were measured in the study. Soil warming did not significantly enhance rice aboveground and root biomasses, but it significantly decreased SOC and TN contents and thus decreased soil C decomposition and N mineralization potentials due to depletion of available C and N.