iniae in US aquaculture. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.OBJECTIVES Psychotropic medication is commonly used among people with dementia (PWD), but it shows modest efficacy and it has been associated with severe adverse events. Hospitalizations are an opportunity for medication management as well as treatment recommendations for outpatient physicians. The aim of this study was to asses factors associated with new use of psychotropic medication after hospitalization among PWD. METHODS We conducted a retrospective dynamic cohort study from 2004 to 2015 using claims data from a German health insurance company. PWD were identified by an algorithm that included ICD-10 diagnosis and diagnostic measures. The medication classes included were antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics or hypnotics/sedatives, and Alzheimer's medication. The assessment period was up to 30 days after discharge from the hospital across four hospitalizations. RESULTS The main predictors for new use of psychotropic medication were similar across medication classes. Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPSves, and Alzheimer's medication for more than 6 weeks. Delirium and neuropsychiatric symptoms were associated with significantly increased odds of new psychotropic medication use. Hospital stays due to dementia and the need of care were predictors for new use of psychotropic medication. © 2020 The Authors. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.The presence of age-related neuropathology characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in people with Down syndrome (DS) is well-established. However, the early symptoms of dementia may be atypical and appear related to dysfunction of prefrontal circuitry. OBJECTIVE To characterize the initial informant reported age-related neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in people with DS, and their relationship to AD and frontal lobe function. METHODS Non-amnestic informant reported symptoms (disinhibition, apathy, and executive dysfunction) and amnestic symptoms from the CAMDEX-DS informant interview were analyzed in a cross-sectional cohort of 162 participants with DS over 30 years of age, divided into three groups stable cognition, prodromal dementia, and AD. To investigate age-related symptoms prior to evidence of prodromal dementia we stratified the stable cognition group by age. RESULTS Amnestic and non-amnestic symptoms were present before evidence of informant-reported cognitive decline. In those who received the diagnosis of AD, symptoms tended to be more marked. Memory impairments were more marked in the prodromal dementia than the stable cognition group (OR = 35.07; P less then  .001), as was executive dysfunction (OR = 7.16; P less then  .001). Disinhibition was greater in the AD than in the prodromal dementia group (OR = 3.54; P = .04). Apathy was more pronounced in the AD than in the stable cognition group (OR = 34.18; P less then  .001). CONCLUSION Premorbid amnestic and non-amnestic symptoms as reported by informants increase with the progression to AD. For the formal diagnosis of AD in DS this progression of symptoms needs to be taken into account. An understanding of the unique clinical presentation of DS in AD should inform treatment options. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND Barley is one of the most sown crops in the world, with multiple uses such as human consumption, animal feed and for the malting industry. This crop is affected by different diseases, such as Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), that causes losses in yield and quality. In the last years F. graminearum and F. poae were two of the most frequently isolated species in barley grains, so the aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between these Fusarium species and the effects on disease parameters, grain quality and mycotoxin contamination on five barley genotypes under field conditions. RESULTS Statistical differences between Fusarium treatments for some parameters depending mainly on the year/genotype were found. The results showed that the germination process was affected by both Fusarium species. As to grain quality and the different hordein fractions, it was observed that F. graminearum affects preferentially D and C-hordeins. Different concentrations of nivalenol, deoxynivalenol and their acetylated derivatives (3-acetyl deoxynivalenol (3-ADON), 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol (15-ADON)) were detected. CONCLUSIONS In the present work, no evidence of synergism between F. graminearum and F. poae were found regarding disease parameters and mycotoxin contamination. However, at least in the years with favorable climatic conditions to FHB development and depending on the barley genotype, a continuous monitoring is deemed necessary to prevent the negative impact on protein composition and germinative parameters © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.A five-year-old female rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) presented with a thin body condition and multiple palpable mid-abdominal masses. Mineralized cecal trichobezoars were removed surgically. Thirteen months later, similar masses recurred and were confirmed with radiographs. This is the first case report of a mineralized cecal trichobezoar in a rhesus macaque. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND Occupational skin diseases (OSD) are the most common work-related diseases in Germany and responsible for large individual and financial burdens. Therefore, a tertiary individual prevention programme (TIP) is offered to patients with severe OSD who are at increased risk of abandoning their profession. OBJECTIVES To define cost-of-illness (COI) of OSD in Germany and to economically evaluate the TIP from a societal perspective. METHODS In this study, data of patients taking part in the TIP (11/2005-12/2009) were collected. Sociodemographic and medical data, costs, disease severity (Osnabrueck Hand Eczema Severity Index) and quality of life (Dermatology Life Quality Index) were assessed. COI and cost-effectiveness analysis were performed with a simulated control group. RESULTS In the analysis, 1041 patients were included. Intervention costs per persons were €15009 with decreasing COI over time. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) revealed expenses per patient of €8942 for a reduction in severity level and €9093 for an improvement in QoL in the base case.