In unadjusted models, cannabinoid-positive participants had lower interferon-γ (IFN-γ) levels (p = 0.046), but this finding was not significant after adjusting for covariates and multiple comparisons. Among cannabinoid-positive participants, IL-6 levels negatively correlated with PANSS total score (p = 0.040), as well as positive (p = 0.035) and negative (p = 0.024) subscales. Results suggest inflammatory alterations among psychotic individuals with comorbid cannabinoid use.Esketamine nasal spray (ESK) is indicated, in conjunction with an oral antidepressant (OAD), for the management of treatment-resistant depression (TRD) in adults. Select US-based patients from an open-label, long-term extension safety study of ESK (NCT02782104) participated in this study through semi-structured interviews. The study evaluated patient-reported early health changes related to emotional health, daily functioning, and social functioning in adults with TRD treated with ESK plus OAD. Eligible patients were responders to ESK who had begun initial ESK treatment ≤30 months before enrollment and were currently receiving ESK plus OAD. Results from 23 patients (9 men, 14 women; mean age, 46 years) were analyzed. Patients described the degree to which ESK treatment changed the effects of depression on aspects of health as either being much improved or improved (91.8%, 156/170). Key characteristics noted regarding treatment with ESK plus OAD included degree of effectiveness (n = 11), rapid onset of action (n = 7), and side-effect profile (n = 5). All patients reported being either satisfied (52%) or very satisfied (48%) with ESK plus OAD treatment. Adverse events were consistent with the known safety profile of ESK. Study insights may help prepare patients with TRD and their clinicians to anticipate potential health changes experienced with ESK.Word retrieval deficits are a common problem in patients with stroke-induced brain damage. While complete recovery of language in chronic aphasia is rare, patients' naming ability can be significantly improved by speech therapy. A growing number of neuroimaging studies have tried to pinpoint the neural changes associated with successful outcome of naming treatment. However, the mechanisms supporting naming practice in the healthy brain have received little attention. Yet, understanding these mechanisms is crucial for teasing them apart from functional reorganization following brain damage. To address this issue, we trained a group of healthy monolingual Italian speakers on naming pictured objects and actions for ten consecutive days and scanned them before and after training. Although activity during object versus action naming dissociated in several regions (lateral occipitotemporal, parietal and left inferior frontal cortices), training effects for the two word classes were similar and included activation decreases in classical language regions of the left hemisphere (posterior inferior frontal gyrus, anterior insula), potentially due to decreased lexical selection demands. Additionally, MVPA revealed training-related activation changes in the left parietal and temporal cortices associated with the retrieval of knowledge from episodic memory (precuneus, angular gyrus) and facilitated access to phonological word forms (posterior superior temporal sulcus). Toxicity testing is an important step for developing new drugs, and animals are widely used in this step by exposing them to the toxicants. Zebrafishes are widely used for measuring and detecting the toxicity. However, measuring and testing toxicity manually is not feasible due to the large number of embryos. This work presents an automated model to investigate the toxicity of two toxicants (3, 4-Dichloroaniline (34DCA) and p-Tert-Butylphenol (PTBP)). The proposed model consists of two steps. In the first step, a set of features is extracted from microscopic images of zebrafish embryos using the Segmentation-Based Fractal Texture Analysis (SFTA) technique. Secondly, a novel rough set-based model using Social ski-driver (SSD) is used to find a global minimal subset of features that preserves important information of the original features. In the third step, the AdaBoost classifier is used to classify an unknown sample to alive or coagulant after exposing the embryo to a toxic compound. For detecting the toxicity, the proposed model is compared with (i) three deterministic rough set reduction algorithms and (ii) the PSO-based algorithm. The classification performance rate of our model was ranged from 97.1% to 99.5% and it outperformed the other algorithms. The results of our experiments proved that the proposed drug toxicity model is efficient for rough set-based feature selection and it obtains a high classification performance. The results of our experiments proved that the proposed drug toxicity model is efficient for rough set-based feature selection and it obtains a high classification performance. Writing diagnostic reports for medical images is a heavy and tedious work. The automatic generation of medical image diagnostic reports can assist doctors to reduce their workload and improve diagnosis efficiency. It is of great significance to introduce image caption algorithm into medical image processing. Existing approaches attempt to generate medical image diagnostic reports using image caption algorithms but without taking the accuracy of pathological information in generated diagnostic reports into account. To solve the mentioned problem, we propose a Semantic Fusion Network (SFNet) including a lesion area detection model and a diagnostic generation model. The lesion area detection model can extract visual and pathological information from medical image, and the diagnostic report generation model can learn to fuse the two kinds of information to generate reports. Thus, the pathological information in the generated diagnostic reports can be more accurate. Experimental results have verified the performance of our model (Accuracy increases 1.2% on the Ultrasound Image Dataset and 2.4% on the Open-i X-ray Image Dataset), compared with the model only using visual feature to generate diagnostic reports. This work utilizes computer algorithms to generate the more accurate diagnostic reports for medical images automatically, which expands the application of computer-aided diagnosis and promotes the implementation of deep learning in the medical image analysis field. This work utilizes computer algorithms to generate the more accurate diagnostic reports for medical images automatically, which expands the application of computer-aided diagnosis and promotes the implementation of deep learning in the medical image analysis field.