This study evaluated the capacity of cardiac risk stratification protocols on simple complications that occur during activities of a cardiovascular rehabilitation program. Observational longitudinal cohort study. Outpatient clinic of cardiovascular rehabilitation. Patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and/or risk factors. Not applicable. The relationship between the cardiac risk classes of seven risk stratification protocols and the occurrence of simple complications (such angina, abnormal changes in blood pressure, arrhythmias, fatigue, muscle pain, pallor) was assessed using the chi-square test, and when statistical significance was observed, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were determined. About 76 patients were analyzed. The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) protocol showed a statistically significant relationship between simple complications and cardiac risk classes ( -value = 0.046), however the results of sensitivity (0.53), specificity (0.52), and accuracy (0.53) were not significant. The other protocols analyzed were not significant American College of Sports Medicine ( -value = 0.801), Brazilian Society of Cardiology ( -value = 0.734), American Heart Association ( -value = 0.957), Pashkow ( -value = 0.790), Society French Cardiology ( -value = 0.314), and Spanish Society of Cardiology ( -value = 0.078). The AACVPR protocol showed a significant relationship between the risk classes and the occurrence of simple complications, however, the low values obtained for sensitivity, specificity and accuracy show that it is not useful for this purpose. NCT03446742. NCT03446742.An enantiomeric separation of meclizine enantiomers by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry LC-MS method was developed and validated for the analysis of Meclizine enantiomers. Enantiomeric resolution of the drug products were successfully achieved on a Phenomenex® lux cellulose 1 C18 (250 mm × 4.6 mm i.d, 5 µm particle size) column with mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile 5 mM ammonium format pH (5.5) adjusted with formic acid (9010) (v/v), and a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. The developed method provided linear responses within the concentration range 1-5 ng/mL, and regression analysis showed a correlation coefficient value (r2) of 0.999. The optimized mobile phase separated (+) Meclizine at 1.58 min and (-) Meclizine at 2.20 min, respectively. The LC/MS method was validated as per ICH guidelines with respect to specificity, precision, linearity and robustness. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were found to be 1.0 ng/mL and 5.0 ng/mL respectively. The proposed method is suitable for analysis of meclizine enantiomers in pharmaceutical formulations and quality control analysis.Objectives A psychosocial intervention for spousal carers of people with dementia promoted emotional well-being through self-monitoring and personalized feedback, as demonstrated in a previous randomized controlled trial. The mechanism behind the intervention effects is thought to lie in increased awareness of, and thus, engagement in behaviours that elicit positive emotions (PA). This secondary analysis tests the assumption by investigating momentary data on activities, affect, and stress and explores the relevance of personalized feedback compared to self-monitoring only.Methods The intervention was based on the experience sampling method (ESM), meaning that carers self-monitored own affect and behaviours 10 times/day over 6 weeks. The experimental group received personalized feedback on behaviours that elicit PA, while the pseudo-experimental group performed self-monitoring only. A control group was also included. ESM-data of 72 carers was analysed using multilevel mixed-effects models.Results The experimental group reported significant increases in passive relaxation activities over the 6 weeks (B = 0.28, SE = 0.12, Z = 2.43, p less then .05). Passive relaxation in this group was negatively associated with negative affect (r = -0.50, p = .01) and positively associated with activity-related stress (r = 0.52, p = .007) from baseline to post-intervention. Other activities in this or the other groups did not change significantly.Conclusion Carer's daily behaviours were only affected when self-monitoring was combined with personalized feedback. Changing one's daily behaviour while caring for a person with dementia is challenging and aligned with mixed emotions. Acknowledging simultaneously positive and negative emotions, and feelings of stress is suggested to embrace the complexity of carer's life and provide sustainable support.A 74-year-old woman presented with acute symptomatic left thigh and calf swelling; imaging demonstrated evidence of occlusive thrombosis from the upper left common iliac vein to the mid-thigh. Single session zero-thrombolysis venous thrombectomy was performed using the ReVeneTM Thrombectomy Catheter. Validated chronic migraine biomarkers could improve diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive abilities for clinicians and researchers, as well as increase knowledge on migraine pathophysiology. The objective of this narrative review is to summarise and interpret the published literature regarding the current state of development of chronic migraine biomarkers. Data from functional and structural imaging, neurophysiological, and biochemical studies have been utilised towards the development of chronic migraine biomarkers. These biomarkers could contribute to chronic migraine classification/diagnosis, prognosticating patient outcomes, predicting response to treatment, and measuring treatment responses early after initiation. Results show promise for using measures of brain structure and function, evoked potentials, and sensory neuropeptide concentrations for the development of chronic migraine biomarkers, yet further optimisation and validation are still required. Imaging, neurophysiological, and biochemical changes that occur with the progression from episodic to chronic migraine could be utilised for developing chronic migraine biomarkers that might assist with diagnosis, prognosticating individual patient outcomes, and predicting responses to migraine therapies. Ultimately, validated biomarkers could move us closer to being able to practice precision medicine in the field and thus improve patient care. Imaging, neurophysiological, and biochemical changes that occur with the progression from episodic to chronic migraine could be utilised for developing chronic migraine biomarkers that might assist with diagnosis, prognosticating individual patient outcomes, and predicting responses to migraine therapies. Ultimately, validated biomarkers could move us closer to being able to practice precision medicine in the field and thus improve patient care.