In coastal aquatic ecosystems, prokaryotic communities play an important role in regulating the cycling of nutrients and greenhouse gases. In the coastal zone, estuaries are complex and delicately balanced systems containing a multitude of specific ecological niches for resident microbes. Anthropogenic influences (i.e. urban, industrial and agricultural land uses) along the estuarine continuum can invoke physical and biochemical changes that impact these niches. In this study, we investigate the relative abundance of methanogenic archaea and other prokaryotic communities, distributed along a land use gradient in the subtropical Burnett River Estuary, situated within the Great Barrier Reef catchment, Australia. Microbiological assemblages were compared to physicochemical, nutrient and greenhouse gas distributions in both pore and surface water. Pore water samples from within the most urbanised site showed a high relative abundance of methanogenic Euryarchaeota (7.8% of all detected prokaryotes), which coincidelandscape of the ecosystem and in turn facilitating the generation of methane-a potent greenhouse gas. Five French oncology institutions had participated in a funded study aiming at implementing an Evidence-Based Practice tool (PAM-13), which allowed nurses to measure the level of activation of the patient to support his or her own empowerment in the cancer care pathway. The purpose of this ancillary study is to (i) describe the caregivers' perceptions of addictions and their management concurrently with cancer treatment, (ii) explore the role that Motivational Interviewing techniques can play. 15 individual semi-structured interviews of caregivers were performed, using the Theoretical Domains Framework for the interview guide. Qualitative data were analyzed inductively, in a thematic analysis. The COREQ guided the reporting of this qualitative study. Views on addictions influence the way caregivers manage patients suffering from unresolved issues of addiction. Care is mainly focused on the pathology (cancer-centered) and strictly curative. When practiced, Motivational Interviewing is patient-centered, fostering the patient's empowerment on the cancer care pathway. The dissemination of Motivational Interviewing techniques in current practices in oncology, both in terms of doctors and nursing teams, would enable improvement to the management of addictions on the cancer care pathway, by deploying a patient-centered approach. This new paradigm of care would support the empowerment of patients enrolled in the cancer care pathway and promote better communication between caregivers and patients. Hence, a paradigm shift is essential. Motivational Interviewing techniques could provide a caring approach that promotes communication between the patient and the caregiver and also supports the former's empowerment. This research suggests the need to adapt the cancer care pathway in order to integrate the necessary care for patients who concomitantly suffer from unresolved addictive disorders. NCT03706937. NCT03706937.There is large interest in networked social science experiments for understanding human behavior at-scale. Significant effort is required to perform data analytics on experimental outputs and for computational modeling of custom experiments. Moreover, experiments and modeling are often performed in a cycle, enabling iterative experimental refinement and data modeling to uncover interesting insights and to generate/refute hypotheses about social behaviors. The current practice for social analysts is to develop tailor-made computer programs and analytical scripts for experiments and modeling. This often leads to inefficiencies and duplication of effort. In this work, we propose a pipeline framework to take a significant step towards overcoming these challenges. Our contribution is to describe the design and implementation of a software system to automate many of the steps involved in analyzing social science experimental data, building models to capture the behavior of human subjects, and providing data to test hypotheses. The proposed pipeline framework consists of formal models, formal algorithms, and theoretical models as the basis for the design and implementation. We propose a formal data model, such that if an experiment can be described in terms of this model, then our pipeline software can be used to analyze data efficiently. The merits of the proposed pipeline framework is elaborated by several case studies of networked social science experiments.By considering the role of site-level factors and dispersal, metacommunity concepts have advanced our understanding of the processes that structure ecological communities. In dendritic systems, like streams and rivers, these processes may be impacted by network connectivity and unidirectional current. Streams and rivers are central to the dispersal of many pathogens, including parasites with complex, multi-host life cycles. Patterns in parasite distribution and diversity are often driven by host dispersal. We conducted two studies at different spatial scales (within and across stream networks) to investigate the importance of local and regional processes that structure trematode (parasitic flatworms) communities in streams. First, we examined trematode communities in first-intermediate host snails (Elimia proxima) in a survey of Appalachian headwater streams within the Upper New River Basin to assess regional turnover in community structure. We analyzed trematode communities based on both morphotype (visual iale may reflect differences in the abilities of hosts to disperse across the landscape. Within a stream network, species-environment relationships may counter the effects of downstream dispersal on community structure. The 14-item Resilience Scale (RS14) is a tool designed to measure psychological resilience. It has been used effectively in diverse populations. However, its applicability is largely unknown for Sub-Saharan adolescent populations and completely unknown for orphaned and separated adolescents and youths (OSAY), a highly vulnerable population for whom resilience may be critical. This study assesses the RS14's psychometric properties for OSAY in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Survey responses from a representative sample of 1016 OSAY (51.3% female) aged 10-25 (mean = 16; SD = 3.5) living in institutional and home-based environments in Uasin Gishu County were analyzed. The RS14's psychometric properties were assessed by examining internal consistency reliability, confirmatory factor analyses, and convergent validity using correlations between resilience and each of social support and depression. Sub-analyses were conducted by age and sex. Resilience scores ranged from 14-98 (mean = 66; SD = 19) with no sex-based significant difference.