Coverage was highest for etiology and risk factors (93% of websites) and prevention strategies such as pap smears and vaccines (92%); coverage was lowest for prognosis (49%), staging (52%), side effects (47%), and follow-up (25%). When a topic was covered the information was predominantly accurate, and few websites had inaccurate information. At least one social-media platform was linked to by 79% of websites. Conclusions This project highlights the strengths and limitations in the quality of the top-100 informational cervical cancer websites. These findings can inform the dialogue between health care providers and patients around selecting and evaluating information resources. These findings can also inform specific improvements to make online resources for cervical cancer more accessible, comprehensive, and relevant to patients.Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic neuropathic pain condition that is often overlooked by clinicians and typically occurs within an entire limb. There is considerable clinical variability in presentation among patients with CRPS. We report a case of extremely focal CRPS localized to the left small finger (LSF) following crush injury. A 48-year-old right-handed male presented with LSF stiffness and severe pain of three months' duration following crush injury. He endorsed severe allodynia and minimal flexion at the proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints of the LSF. Physical examination was significant for overt shininess and edema isolated to the LSF. X-ray performed at the time of injury and three months after were devoid of any fracture or dislocation. Chronic focal pain syndrome (CFPS) may be a subset of CRPS that has yet to be documented in the literature.Sirolimus is an immunosuppressant frequently prescribed to prevent graft-vs-host disease in renal transplant patients. Pericardial effusion is recognized as a rare and potentially lethal side effect of this medication. Hemopericardium, specifically, is an even rarer complication that has yet to be reported in the literature. We report the first case of sirolimus-induced hemopericardium in a renal transplant patient.Background Procalcitonin (PCT) is a potential biomarker for sepsis and acts as a guide to antibiotic administration. Previous studies showed that lung cancer (LC) may increase serum PCT levels. However, no studies addressed serum PCT in patients with combined LC and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) LC-IPF. We aimed to evaluate the significance of serum PCT in patients with LC-IPF. Methods A total of 137 patients with IPF who had complete follow-up data were reviewed. They were categorized into two groups 30 patients with LC and IPF (LC-IPF) and 82 patients with IPF only (IPF). PCT assays in the two groups were done using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Results Median serum PCT (IQR) was significantly higher in patients with LC-IPF in comparison to those with IPF only (0.655± 3.60 vs 0.07 ± 0.11 ng/ml, p=0.016), respectively. LC-IPF patients with neuroendocrine (NE) component, stage IV disease, and with >2 metastatic sites had a significantly higher PCT in comparison to those with non-NE, stages I-III, and less then 2 metastatic sites, respectively. The presence of the NE component was the only independent risk factor predictive for PCT positivity in patients with LC-IPF; OR1.8 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.042-2.145; p = 0.042). Conclusion Patients with LC-IPF have higher serum PCT levels than those with IPF alone. These levels are related to the presence of NE component, advanced cancer stage, and the presence of multiple metastases. The presence of the NE component is the only independent risk factor predictive for PCT positivity in patients with LC-IPF. Further studies are warranted.Background Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common gastrointestinal (GI) tract disease and has an adverse effect on the quality of life (QoL) of patients. Studies on the QoL of GERD patients would increase awareness among healthcare providers about the magnitude of the problem and how to manage it. Objectives This study aimed to determine the essential variables that affected the QoL of GERD patients at King Saud University Medical City (KSUMC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Method This was a cross-sectional study performed using quantitative questionnaires, which was conducted at KSUMC during the period from September 1, 2019, to April 1, 2020. We used the gastroesophageal reflux disease health-related quality of life (GERD-HRQL) questionnaire. Additionally, the authors collected information about sociodemographic variables and concomitant diseases from each participant. Results The study included 200 participants; 58.5% of them were males. Around 34.9% of participants in the age group A (18-34 years) had poor QoL compared to 57.5% and 50% of participants from the counterpart groups, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference in the QoL among various age groups (p 0.006). Furthermore, 58.9% of obese participants had poor QoL; there was a statistically significant difference in the QoL between normal-weight and obese groups (p 0.013). Conclusion The QoL of GERD patients was found to be affected negatively by increasing age and high body mass index (BMI). None of the other demographic variables and concomitant diseases had any significant effect on the QoL of the participants.Esophagogastric junction tumors are a challenging pathology for surgeons and the best treatment depends on an adequate initial localization and stadification. Approximately half of patients relapse after curative surgery during the first two years. Surgical resection could increase the survival of these patients, but the esophageal reconstruction is a surgical challenge for which there are multiple reconstruction techniques described with different organs. In this report, we present the case of a patient with an esophagogastric junction tumor treated initially with total gastrectomy and esophageal margin. The patient presented an anastomotic recurrence that was taken to surgical resection, but a second recurrence required a residual esophagectomy with ileocolonic reconstruction, to achieve adequate oncologic treatment.