RESULTS Females crossed with males irradiated with 0.2 Gy at both DR tested, laid a higher number of eggs than control, but egg-viability was reduced. On the other hand, in the group of 0.2 Gy +20 Gy -combined treatments-, the total number of eggs laid, decreased only when 0.2 Gy were delivered at 34.3 Gy/h however, the egg-viability increased. The dose of 0.2 Gy at both DR did not modify the baseline frequency of SLRL. A tendency to decrease in the frequency of lethals in brood III was found in combined treatments at both DR. CONCLUSION The fact that 0.2 Gy at 5.4 or 34.3 Gy/h induced an increase in the egg-viability and a tendency to decrease the genetic damage in pre-meiotic cells provoked by 20 Gy, might indicate the induction of any mechanism that could be interpreted as radioprotection in male germ cells of D. melanogaster. Results emphasize the need to carry out more studies on the effect of the DR on the induction of genetic damage in germ cells.Purpose Olanzapine (OLZ) is an atypical antipsychotic agent that is characterized by low brain porousness due to hepatic first-pass metabolism. The present work aimed to develop radiolabeled OLZ and evaluate its biodistribution following intravenous (I.V.) and intranasal (I.N.) administration as a potential agent for brain diagnosis. The effect of colloidal tin oxides on the biodistribution of technetium-99m radiolabeled OLZ has been overcome by using sodium dithionite as a reducing agent instead of the commonly used stannous salts for the reduction of 99mTc (VII) to the lower valence state.Materials and methods OLZ was radiolabeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) by direct technique using sodium dithionite as the reducing agent. This approach illustrated appropriate labeling efficacy, stability, and potential for further use in biodistribution studies. Therefore, it provides an alternative for the labeling procedure, which utilizes stannous chloride and leads to the formation of colloidal stannic oxides that aff exposure than free OLZ.Conclusion These chemical and preliminary biological merits strongly suggest that the 99mTc-OLZ complex with new reducing agent could be used as a potential diagnostic agent for brain.Introduction In this study we estimated the rate and the trajectory of cognitive impairment in a naturalistic sample of outpatients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) and its correlation with different variables.Materials and methods An overall sample of 109 outpatients with MDD or BD was assessed for multiple clinical variables, including duration of untreated illness (DUI), and tested using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) during Major Depressive Episodes (MDE) and after remission. Correlations between MoCA scores and the clinical variables were then computed.Results About 50% of patients with MDD and BD showed mild cognitive impairment during MDE. Improvement of cognitive function between depression and remission was significant, even though residual symptoms were observed especially in the most impaired patients. Of note, cognitive performance during depression was negatively associated with depression severity and DUI.Discussion Present findings confirm available evidence about patterns of cognitive impairment in mood disorders, in terms of prevalence and persistence beyond remission in most severe cases. Moreover, a longer DUI was associated with worse cognitive performance during depression, and consequently with poorer outcome, underlining the importance of prompt treatment of these disorders also in light of a cognitive perspective.KeypointsAlthough distinct entities, unipolar and bipolar depression determine similar patterns of cognitive impairment in terms of severity and types of altered domains.Depression (but not anxiety) severity is associated with cognitive performance in depression.Prolonged duration of untreated illness is associated with more severe cognitive impairment during depression, particularly but not specifically in bipolar disorder.Background In divorce research, studies using large samples, very recently divorced individuals and validated measures of depression and anxiety with available background populations for comparison are missing.Aims This study aimed to investigate symptoms of depression and anxiety among recently divorced Danes and assess the explanatory power of relevant sociodemographic- and divorce-related variables on these symptoms.Methods The study utilized an online cross-sectional design and a total of 1856 Danish citizens recruited through the Danish State Administration. Average scores for depression and anxiety were compared to the Danish background population and regression analyses were conducted to assess the explanatory power of sociodemographic- and divorce characteristics on symptoms of depression and anxiety.Results Divorcees reported significantly higher levels of both depressive and anxiety symptoms than the background population with a large proportion of the sample scoring equal to or higher than generally recommended cut-off values for risk of suffering from a psychiatric diagnosable case of depression or anxiety. Both sociodemographic- and divorce characteristics were predictive of symptoms of depression and anxiety.Conclusion The findings underline the relevance of public health intervention targeting symptoms of depression and anxiety among recently divorced individuals.Metformin hydrochloride (MFM) is often used as a controlled-release (CR) tablet to reduce dosing frequency. However, the MFM CR tablet contains significant amounts of excipients and the tablet size is also large. Dosing convenience and patient compliance can be increased by reducing the size of the CR tablets. The aim of this study was to prepare and evaluate the MFM controlled-release tablet (MFM-CRT) using two types of release modulators, inner and outer. The MFM-CRT was prepared by coating the MFM granules using a binder solution containing aluminum stearate (ALS) as the inner release-modulator, and polyethylene oxide (PEO) as the outer release-modulator. The dispersion stability of the binder solution was optimized by the dispersion analyzer. The MFM-CRT was evaluated for dissolution rate and tablet volume. Additionally, dissolution behavior and dissolution kinetics of the MFM-CRT were analyzed using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Although the optimal MFM-CRT showed no difference in the release rate as compared to the commercially available product of Glucophage® XR 500 mg (f2 value 72), the length of the long axis was reduced by 6 mm and the weight was reduced by about 27%.