6%, respectively. Intact acrosome was found in 83.7 ± 3.1% and intact membrane in 81.1 ± 4.0% of all samples collected. Mitochondrial activity was 66.4 ± 6.0% (Class I), 18.7 ± 2.9% (Class II), 8.0 ± 2.0% (Class III), 3.9 ± 1.0% (Class IV), and 3.0 ± 0.9% (Class V). Sperm DNA fragmentation rate was 13.2 ± 3.7%. These results indicated that electroejaculation is a feasible method for semen collection in giant anteaters, allowing a more detailed description of the semen in this species.Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by bi-allelic loss or pathogenic variants in the SMN1 gene. SMN2, the highly homologous copy of SMN1, is considered the major phenotypic modifier of the disease. Determination of SMN2 copy number is essential to establish robust genotype-phenotype correlations and predict disease evolution, to stratify patients for clinical trials, as well as to define those eligible for treatment. Discordant genotype-phenotype correlations are not uncommon in SMA, some of which are due to intragenic SMN2 variants that may influence the amount of complete SMN transcripts and, therefore, of full-length SMN protein. Detection of these variants is crucial to predict SMA phenotypes in the present scenario of therapeutic advances and with the perspective of SMA neonatal screening and early diagnosis to start treatments. Here, we present a novel, affordable, and versatile method for complete sequencing of the SMN2 gene based on long-range polymerase chain reaction and next-generation sequencing. The method was validated by analyzing samples from 53 SMA patients who lack SMN1, allowing to characterize paralogous, rare variants, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms of SMN2 as well as SMN2-SMN1 hybrid genes. The method identifies partial deletions and can be adapted to determine rare pathogenic variants in patients with at least one SMN1 copy.Soft neuroprosthetics that monitor signals from sensory neurons and deliver motor information can potentially replace damaged nerves. However, achieving long-term stability of devices interfacing peripheral nerves is challenging, since dynamic mechanical deformations in peripheral nerves cause material degradation in devices. Here, a durable and fatigue-resistant soft neuroprosthetic device is reported for bidirectional signaling on peripheral nerves. The neuroprosthetic device is made of a nanocomposite of gold nanoshell (AuNS)-coated silver (Ag) flakes dispersed in a tough, stretchable, and self-healing polymer (SHP). The dynamic self-healing property of the nanocomposite allows the percolation network of AuNS-coated flakes to rebuild after degradation. Therefore, its degraded electrical and mechanical performance by repetitive, irregular, and intense deformations at the device-nerve interface can be spontaneously self-recovered. When the device is implanted on a rat sciatic nerve, stable bidirectional signaling is obtained for over 5 weeks. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/bay80-6946.html Neural signals collected from a live walking rat using these neuroprosthetics are analyzed by a deep neural network to predict the joint position precisely. This result demonstrates that durable soft neuroprosthetics can facilitate collection and analysis of large-sized in vivo data for solving challenges in neurological disorders.Sinapigladioside is a rare isothiocyanate-bearing natural product from beetle-associated bacteria (Burkholderia gladioli) that might protect beetle offspring against entomopathogenic fungi. The biosynthetic origin of sinapigladioside has been elusive, and little is known about bacterial isothiocyanate biosynthesis in general. On the basis of stable-isotope labeling, bioinformatics, and mutagenesis, we identified the sinapigladioside biosynthesis gene cluster in the symbiont and found that an isonitrile synthase plays a key role in the biosynthetic pathway. Genome mining and network analyses indicate that related gene clusters are distributed across various bacterial phyla including producers of both nitriles and isothiocyanates. Our findings support a model for bacterial isothiocyanate biosynthesis by sulfur transfer into isonitrile precursors.Brittle cornea syndrome (BCS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by corneal thinning and fragility, leading to corneal rupture, the main hallmark of this disorder. Non-ocular symptoms include not only hearing loss but also signs of connective tissue fragility, placing it in the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) spectrum. It is caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in ZNF469 or PRDM5, which presumably encode transcription factors for extracellular matrix components. We report the clinical and molecular features of nine novel BCS families, four of which harbor variants in ZNF469 and five in PRDM5. We also performed a genotype- and phenotype-oriented literature overview of all (n = 85) reported patients with ZNF469 (n = 53) and PRDM5 (n = 32) variants. Musculoskeletal findings may be the main reason for referral and often raise suspicion of another heritable connective tissue disorder, such as kyphoscoliotic EDS, osteogenesis imperfecta, or Marfan syndrome, especially when a corneal rupture has not yet occurred. Our findings highlight the multisystemic nature of BCS and validate its inclusion in the EDS classification. Importantly, gene panels for heritable connective tissue disorders should include ZNF469 and PRDM5 to allow for timely diagnosis and appropriate preventive measures for this rare condition.The FOXF1 gene, causative for a neonatal lethal lung developmental disorder alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACDMPV), maps 1.7 kb away from the long noncoding RNA gene FENDRR on the opposite strand, suggesting they may be coregulated. Using RNA sequencing in lung tissue from ACDMPV patients with heterozygous deletions of the FOXF1 distant enhancer located 286 kb upstream, leaving FOXF1 and FENDRR intact, we have found that the FENDRR and FOXF1 expressions were reduced by approximately 75% and 50%, respectively, and were monoallelic from the intact chromosome 16q24.1. In contrast, ACDMPV patients with FOXF1 SNVs had biallelic FENDRR expression reduced by 66%-82%. Corroboratively, depletion of FOXF1 by small interfering RNA in lung fibroblasts resulted in a 50% decrease of FENDRR expression. These data indicate that FENDRR expression in the lungs is regulated both in cis by the FOXF1 distant enhancer and in trans by FOXF1. Our findings are compatible with the involvement of FENDRR in FOXF1-related disorders, including ACDMPV.