This article presents the results of a study on the relationship between indicators of accessibility of citizens to primary health care (PHC), based on the data of the Unified medical informational analytical system of Moscow (EMIAS) and the results of the survey of physicians of medical institutions of the state healthcare system, providing primary care to adults. The analysis of scientific publications has shown that when assessing the availability and quality of medical care, taking into account public opinion, the main attention is paid to sociological surveys of citizens and less often the opinion of medical personnel who provide medical care to citizens is studied. The analysis of the information from foreign sources has shown that the availability of primary health care is a hot topic in many countries all over the world, including the countries with a high level of GDP per capita. The survey of medical men, which was attended by more than 500 doctors, was conducted in six medical organizations in Moscow that provide primary health care to adults. The questionnaire contained 26 questions, the answers to which reflect the personal opinion of doctors about their attitude to the improvement of their professional skills, satisfaction with working conditions, the organization of PHC and its accessibility to the population, etc. EMIAS The data were used to calculate individual indicators that characterize the population's access to PHC. The results of this scientific study confirmed the existence of a high correlation between the responses of doctors and indicators calculated on the basis of EMIAS data, which indicates the feasibility of using the opinion of medical personnel to make timely and effective management decisions aimed at optimizing organizational processes to ensure public access to medical care.Prevention of strokes and the fight against their consequences require not only the work of the healthcare system, but also the self-preserving behavior of the population, which is largely motivated by competence in this sphere. The study of public awareness on this issue and the development of recommendations on information policy were the main objectives of the study. In October-December 2019 two surveys were conducted in Moscow, the sample of each was 800 people. The study found an increase between the waves in the number of those who think they know the signs of a stroke (up to 65%). Despite the mainly correct answers, this self-evaluation is not always backed-up by real knowledge e.g. a stroke was sometimes confused with an ischemic heart disease, a heart attack and epilepsy. Less competency is demonstrated by men and people with primary/secondary education, younger respondents. 94% of the respondents will call an ambulance when they see signs of a stroke, 16% will begin to provide assistance on their own, and in general their actions will be correct, although there are a number of misconceptions. Among the main risk factors of a stroke the respondents consider bad habits. The population receives information about signs of a stroke mainly from relatives/friends (25%) and on the Internet (22%). The study found necessity for the right information about strokes. There is a need for some greater presentation of peer-reviewed information materials in the information field.The article is devoted to the study of motivation of medical organization employees to work. A competent system of motivation of medical personnel, focused on building long-term goals and development conditions, supporting the organizational climate and increasing the involvement of medical workers in their work, solves most of the problems that any medical organization faces. In addition, the policy of the medical institution, the values of the management itself and a favorable psychological climate are important factors in motivating doctors and nurses. In this regard, the purpose of this study is focused on identifying a group of motivational factors that encourage medical professionals to effectively perform their work duties. On the base of the developed sociological tool - a questionnaire for a mass survey - there were collected and analyzed data on the factors which affect the motivation to work of medical workers. As a result of the conducted research, the most significant motivational triggers were identified, which allow to assess the health of medical workers, as well as to identify problematic points that make it difficult to perform the duties in a high-quality manner. These data formed the basis of the method proposed by the authors, which allows any medical organization to identify a group of system-forming factors of motivation to work, on the basis of which the management of medical institutions has the opportunity to assess the motivation of the personnel for further decision-making in the framework of effective management.Valproic acid (VPA)-a short branched chain fatty acid (BCFA), is widely recognized as an anticonvulsant and a mood-stabilizing drug, but various adverse effects of VPA have also been investigated. However, the impact of BCFAs aggregation on brain cells, in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration remains elusive. The objective of this study is to understand the cellular mechanisms underlying VPA-induced neuronal cell death mediated by oxidative stress, and the neuroprotective role of exogenous melatonin treatment on VPA-induced cell death. Neurotoxicity of VPA and protective role exerted by melatonin were assessed in vitro in SH-SY5Y cells and in vivo in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum regions of Wistar rat brain. The results show that melatonin pre-treatment protects the cells from VPA-induced toxicity by exerting an anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effect by regulating apoptotic proteins and pro-inflammatory cytokines. The findings of the present study emphasize novel insights of melatonin as a supplement for the prevention and treatment of neuronal dysfunction induced by VPA. Despite the high incidence and mortality of prostate cancer (PCa) in the Unites States, few risk factors have been consistently linked with these PCa outcomes. Assessing proxies of reproductive factors may offer insights into PCa pathogenesis. In this study, we examined fatherhood status as a proxy of fertility in relation to total, nonaggressive, aggressive, and fatal PCa. We examined participants of two cohorts, the NIH-AARP Diet and Health (NIH-AARP) Study and Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. We used Cox proportional hazards regression to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals of associations between fatherhood status and number of children sired in relation to PCa incidence. Fatherhood status (one or more children vs. childless) was positively associated with total PCa risk in NIH-AARP or PLCO, but was not statistically significant (p=0.06 and 0.55, respectively). Number of children sired indicated a slightly elevated risk of total PCa, but HRs were rarely significant and were of a fairly constant magnitude with no discernable trend relative to the childless referent group.