A redescription of S. rothschildi, based on specimens collected from off Dongsha (Pratas) Islands, Australia and West Indies, is also included.The family Bothidae in Taiwan is reviewed. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gsk3787.html A total of 15 genera and 42 species are recognized. Historical records are re-evaluated and five species are recorded in Taiwan for the first time Arnoglossus yamanakai Fukui Ozawa, 1988, Crossorhombus valderostratus (Alcock, 1890), Parabothus polylepis (Alcock, 1889), Parabothus coarctatus (Gilbert, 1905), and Psettina variegata (Fowler, 1933). Laeops tongkongensis Chen Weng, 1965 is recognized as a junior synonym of Laeops kitaharae Smith Pope, 1906. Keys to genera and species, diagnostic characters, distribution and photographs are provided.Two new species similar to Ophichthus megalops Asano, 1987 with dark-tipped anal fins, are described on the basis of one specimen of each species. Ophichthus semilunatus sp. nov. from northeastern Taiwan is characterized by having 176 total vertebrae, three rows of teeth on the maxilla, one + three supraorbital pores, two preopercular pores, a brownish anterior-nostril tube, and a blotch on the anterior margin of anus. Ophichthus brevidorsalis sp. nov. from New Caledonia is characterized by having two preopercular pores, one + three supraorbital pores, smaller eyes 2.7 in head, a short head 9.5% of total length, a long tail 59.8% of total length, a slightly short snout 19.4% of head, and 43 predorsal vertebrae. A redescription of O. megalops is provided based on the holotype and 18 specimens newly collected from Taiwan. Selected characters of all nine Ophichthus with a dark-tipped anal fin are provided. In addition, partial COI sequences of five species is provided.Two genera of barracudinas with luminescent duct in abdominal cavity, Lestrolepis and Lestidium, collected from around Taiwan are studied. Two species in each genus are recognized in Taiwan, including one new species in each genus. New diagnostic characters are used to distinguish these species. Lestrolepis nigroventralis sp. nov. is similar to Lestrolepis intermedia and can be distinguished by having 32-35 prehaemal vertebrae; dorsal-fin origin slightly in front of midline of distance between origins of pelvic and anal fins, distance between origins of dorsal and pelvic fin 9.8-11.7% SL; and pelvic-fin origin at or slightly behind midline of body, prepelvic length 50.6-52.6% SL. Lestidium orientale sp. nov. is similar to Lestidium atlanticum and can be distinguished by having prehaemal vertebrae 37-40; caudal vertebrae 41-44; a relatively short and deep head, reflected by a shorter snout (9.7-10.4% SL), shorter upper jaw (8.6-10.1% SL), shorter lower jaw (11.9-13.7% SL) and a deeper head (31.2-33.9% HL). Data of Lestrolepis japonicus and Lestidium prolixium collected from Taiwan, as well as two Atlantic congeners, are provided. DNA barcoding is conducted to support the recognition of these new species.A new Portholefish, Diplophos vicinia sp. nov., is described on the basis of nine specimens collected from the western Pacific Ocean by commercial midwater trawl. The new species, currently known only from the South China Sea and north of Papua New Guinea, can be easily distinguished from six nominal congeners by the combination of the following characters dorsal-fin origin closer to snout than caudal-fin base, distance between last two AC photophores half that between preceding photophores, gill rakers 4 + 10-11=14-15, abdominal vertebrae 30-32, caudal vertebrae 44-45, total vertebrae 74-76, and the following photophore counts IP 13-14, PV 18-19, IV 31-32, VAV 12-13, AC 37-39 + 2, and IC 83-86.The barbeled dragonfish genus Eustomias in Taiwan is reviewed. Five species in three subgenera are recognized, including three new species, a new record, and an unidentified species. Eustomias (Dinematochirus) dendrobium sp. nov. can be distinguished from its congener by its unique barbel structure. Eustomias (Haploclonus) stamen sp. nov. has a unique barbel structure and diagnostic meristic characters. Eustomias (Nominostomias) tritentaculatus sp. nov. has an extremely long barbel and distinct pigmentation, with fin ray counts that are different from most similar species. Eustomias (Nominostomias) perplexus Gibbs, Clarke Gomon 1983, widespread in the western Pacific Ocean is reported for the first time from Taiwan. Three specimens of Eustomias were only identifiable to subgenus Haploclonus due to their poor condition.Gunnel species (family Pholidae), characterized by an elongated bar-like body and usually found in shallow coastal waters, are mostly restricted to temperate to subarctic waters in the Northern Pacific Ocean, although some in the Western Pacific are distributed southward to the northern East China Sea. Despite the absence of previous records from subtropical and tropical waters, a single specimen of the fish family Pholidae was recently trawled off southwestern Taiwan. Examination on the morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding revealed this is a Pholis fangi (Wang Wang 1935), a species previously recorded only from cold waters in the Bohai and Yellow seas. As a consequence, the present specimen represents the first record of the species from the subtropical South China Sea coast of Taiwan, as well as an isolated southernmost record of this species, more than 1,000 km southward from the otherwise known distribution. Detailed morphology and fresh coloration are described.A new species of the triangular batfish genus Malthopsis Alcock, 1891 is described on the basis of 9 specimens collected from off Taiwan. The new species belongs to a species group with ventral surface covered by numerous small prickle-like bucklers. It differs from the members in this species group in having ventral surface entirely covered with tiny bucklers; principal bucklers on dorsal surface relatively tall, few in number and loose in arrangement; subopercle dull without enlarged forward-directed spine; rostral spine directed forward horizontally; 5 dorsal-fin rays and 12 pectoral-fin rays; and posterior tip of appressed anal fin not reaching caudal-fin base. Two specimens of Malthopsis tiarella Jordan, 1902 collected from Taiwan are recognized and its diagnosis is discussed.