Ecotoxicological data were collected from open literature to predict the no-effect concentration (PNEC). The ecological risk assessment was characterized using a risk quotient (RQ = PEC/PNEC) based in two assessment tiers. Results revealed that 12 active ingredients showed a high risk (RQ ≥ 1), thus indicating that adverse effects could occur and further investigation with measured concentrations in the field are required to reduce exposure in surface waters.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants (POPs), that can be detected in a variety of environments including the human body, adversely affecting global health. Bioremediation is an emerging field for the detoxification and removal of environmental pollutants, with novel biocatalysts appropriate for this task being in high demand. In this study, a biobank of novel fungal strains isolated as symbionts of marine invertebrates was screened for their ability to remove 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl (PCB29). The most efficient strains were studied further for their ability to express laccase activity, the most commonly associated extracellular activity involved in the removal of aromatic pollutants and encoded in fungi by the enzymatic class of multicopper oxidases (MCOs). The strain expressing the highest laccase activity, Cladosporium sp. TM138-S3, was cultivated in the presence of copper ions in a 12 L bioreactor and two enzymes exhibiting laccase activity were isolated from the culture broth through ion-exchange chromatography. The two enzymes, Lac1 and Lac2, were biochemically characterized and showed similar characteristics, although an improved ability to remove PCB29 (up to 71.2%) was observed for Lac2 in the presence of mediators. In parallel, we performed RNAseq of the strain growing in presence and absence of PCB29 and reconstructed its transcriptome assembly. Functional annotation allowed identifying the MCO repertoire of the fungus, consisting of 13 enzymes. Phylogenetic analysis of Ascomycete MCOs further allowed classifying these enzymes, revealing the diversity of laccase activities in Cladosporium sp. TM138-S3.Regarding the effects of joint action on visual memory, previous research has focused on the memory of a single object that a participant and their co-actor attended together (i.e., a shared situation), while the literature on memory has demonstrated that spatial regularity composed of multiple objects can also be learned. We aimed to examine whether the visuospatial regularity of the co-actor's attended objects could be strongly encoded. We repeatedly presented the same configuration of two targets and two sets of distractors in different colors (i.e., blue and red) to participants. In Experiment 1, pairs of participants simultaneously searched for the same target in the joint group while individual participants searched for the target alone in the single group. As a result, greater facilitation in reaction time was observed in earlier epochs in the joint group, reinforced by the learning of visuospatial regularity, compared to the single group. Experiment 2 examined whether the co-actor's attended context could be strongly encoded although two persons simultaneously searched for different targets (i.e., parallel situation) such that one searched for the blue target and the other for the red target. The results showed no evidence regarding participants' learning visuospatial regularity of the co-actor's attended objects, indicating that co-actor's learning information cannot be shared in this situation. This study revealed that facilitation of visuospatial learning in joint action would require two individuals to attend to the same objects when they perform the task.Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), a ubiquitous pathogen that primary cause of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), had caused significant morbidity and mortality in swine populations with huge economic losses in the worldwide swine industry. Currently, looking for effective antiviral drugs for PCV2 infection remains an important works. In our study, CRISPR/Cas9 system was used to further detected the key sites of PCV2 replication. We designed 8 single guide RNAs (sgRNA) by targeting essential genes across the genome of PCV2. Western-blot(WB), Cell counting kit-8 for high-throughput sgRNA screening were applied to detect PCV2 replication levels. The results showed that Oc8, O13, O134, NQT and NPS sgRNAs can edit the PCV2 genome efficiently and inhibit PCV2 replication in PK-15 cell; H3 sgRNA cannot edit the PCV2 genome successfully; NAT sgRNA can edit the PCV2 genome efficiently to improve the PCV2 replication in PK-15 cell; O26 sgRNA can edit the PCV2 genome successfully but it is not known yet of its effect on PCV2 replication, besides the Cas9 expression had no effect on cell viability. These data suggest that CRISPR/Cas9 system targeting PCV2 essential genes may serve as a novel therapeutic agent against PCV2 infection in the future.T cells can be subdivided into a number of different subsets that are defined by their distinct functions. While the specialization of different T cell subsets is partly achieved by the expression of specific genes, the overall transcriptional profiles of all T cells appear very similar. Alternative mRNA splicing is a mechanism that facilitates greater transcript/protein diversity from a limited number of genes, which may contribute to the functional specialization of distinct T cell subsets. In this study we employ a combination of short-read and long-read sequencing technologies to compare alternative mRNA splicing between the CD4 and CD8 T cell lineages. While long-read technology was effective at assembling full-length alternatively spliced transcripts, the low sequencing depth did not facilitate accurate quantitation. On the other hand, short-read technology was ineffective at assembling full-length transcripts but was highly accurate for quantifying expression. We show that integrating long-read and short-read data together achieves a more complete view of transcriptomic diversity. We found that while the overall usage of transcript isoforms was very similar between the CD4 and CD8 lineages, there were numerous alternative spliced mRNA isoforms that were preferentially used by one lineage over the other. These alternative spliced isoforms included ones with different exon usage, exon exclusion or intron inclusion, all of which are expected to significantly alter the protein sequence.