Logistic regression models showed that sex, BMI, heart rate, and triglycerides were associated with HVA and EVA after adjustment for age, BP, and other confounding factors. CONCLUSIONS Male, high BMI, low heart rate, and low triglycerides are protective factors for vascular aging in the healthy aged population. Management of BMI, heart rate, triglycerides in a reasonable range may help to alleviate the vascular aging process.The practice of radiation oncology requires stringent adherence to specific steps and principles designed to minimize exposure of an individual to unnecessary doses of radiation. The basic principles of such measures to reduce the risk of exposure and limit the doses of irradiation follow the "as low as reasonably achievable " or ALARA principle by using the concepts of time, distance and shielding. Potential exposures in radiation oncology are controlled through combination of optimal design and installation of radiation delivery equipment with well-defined standard operating procedures (SOPs). In the modern era of viral pandemics, similar principles can also be applied toward prevention of viral transmission and protection of populations at risk. In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the probability of an individual getting infected is dependent on the viral load that an individual is exposed to in public spaces over a period of time. All prevention and control measures are based on preventing any such exposure to the virus, that can be achieved through limiting space for movement of the virus, using barriers and increasing distance to vulnerable surfaces, and limiting the duration of exposure. Apart from adhering to the laid-down provisions of a lock-down, preventive measures recommended for the general public include maintaining hand-hygiene, social distancing, and using facemasks to break the chain of transmission. Appropriate triage and customization of treatment protocols can help curtail hospital visits and time-spent by cancer patients during pandemic times, thereby reducing their risk of exposure as well as allowing efficient utilization of resources. The outbreak of the contagious COVID-19 pandemic threatens to disrupt healthcare systems globally with its unprecedented challenges. However, despite all the difficulties and hardships, it has also enabled new ways of learning and communication, which are likely to persist even in the post-COVID world.Cancer therapy is undergoing rapid advancements and many of the conditions that were incurable earlier can now easily be treated. Making a "correct diagnosis" is the first step in the ladder towards treating the disease. However, once diagnosed, "breaking bad news" to the patient and his family that he/she has cancer is still a big challenge as it is a life-changing event not only for the patient but their families as well. The following article narrates an incident dealing with the significance of diagnosing the condition accurately and that of "breaking bad news". It gives an insight into the emotional ordeal that clinicians dealing with terminal-illnesses like cancer go through on a daily basis while trying to diagnose it and communicating it to the patient and his family.Intracranial parenchymal calcification has both benign and malignant etiologies. Calcifications by malignant etiologies are comparatively rare. Malignant calcification has numerous causes. Calcified brain metastasis from osteosarcoma is one such cause. We present histopathologically confirmed intracranial calcified metastasis in a 10 year old girl. This girl had received treatment for primary osteosarcoma of the left femur with pulmonary metastases. Radiological imaging with Positron emission tomography-computed tomography revealed an intracranial calcified lesion in the frontal lobe and she was successfully operated for the same. The malignant causes of intracranial calcifications are reviewed and radiological differential diagnoses of malignant intracranial calcifications are discussed in this case report. Prior history, strong clinical suspicion, and radiological imaging are needed to arrive at the diagnosis of intracranial calcified metastasis from primary osteosarcoma of the appendicular skeleton.Intra-abdominal bronchogenic cysts are rare entities and only a handful of cases occurring within the lesser sac have been described. Further, the development of malignancy in a bronchogenic cyst is exceptional and one arising in a lesser sac has so far not been reported. We present herein an account of a 44-year-old man who presented with recurrent upper abdominal pain. Investigations revealed a mass in the lesser sac and a hydatid cyst in the liver. The histopathological examination of the excised mass showed bronchogenic cyst, with a neuroendocrine tumor of intermediate grade arising in its wall. Concomitant presence of hydatid cyst in the liver made this case even more unusual.Chronic neutrophilic leukemia is a rare leukemia seen in middle aged and elderly people, characterized by neutrophilic leukocytosis with no significant increase in granulocytic precursors. The chief criteria for diagnosis include total leukocyte count ≥25 × 109/L, >80% of white blood cells being mature neutrophils (segmented and band forms), immature granulocytic precursors ≥10% in the peripheral blood, and hypercellular marrow. In addition to this, there must be no evidence of dysplasia, monocytosis or BCR-ABL1, PDGFR-A, PDGFR-B, or FGRF-1 rearrangements. Moreover, the cause of neutrophilia should not be attributed to any other myeloproliferative disorders or to physiologic neutrophilia.We present two patients with this rare disorder who presented with gout as the initial symptom.Background Breast cancer (BCA) is the second most common cancer among women in India and accounts for 7% of global burden of BCA. The axillary lymph node status is an independent prognostic factor. The combined estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2/neu biomarker expression is a predictor of BCA status for therapeutic guidance. Studies have demonstrated that these biomarkers are unstable throughout their tumor progression. Varying concordance and discordance rates in the biomarker expression between primary breast carcinoma (PBC) and metastatic axillary lymph node (MALN) status are reported. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/terephthalic-acid.html Aim This study was conducted for studying and comparing the expression of immunohistochemistry (IHC) markers, i.e., ER, PR, HER2/neu, p53, and Ki67 between PBC and their corresponding MALN for prognostication and therapeutic purpose. Methods Sixty cases of PBC with metastasis to axillary lymph nodes diagnosed between years 2008 and 2014 were included in the study. A technique of manual tissue array was employed for cases subjected to IHC.