Buy Axel Terrier Puppies Axel is a strong name that represents the courage, strength and determination of the owner. This is a great name for any dog who needs a strong, edgy name that matches their personality. These dogs are very loving and have strong bonds with their owners. They also adjust well to a home environment. They require moderate exercise every day, and they respond well to positive techniques of training. Bernese Mountain Dog The Bernese Mountain Dog, known for its affectionate and gentle nature is the perfect companion dog. enjoy human company and are happy to accompany their owners wherever they go. They are extremely good with children and can be compassionate and understanding with them. To ensure security, all interactions between dogs and children must be monitored. The Bernese Mountain Dog is an intelligent breed that quickly learns and is responsive to training. This is particularly true if you begin training them at a young age. They are also extremely receptive to positive reinforcement and they don't like harsh punishment. The dog's intelligence and willingness to please make this dog the ideal option for service dogs as well as family pets. It is best to teach this breed obedience and house manners while they are young, but it can be done at any time. The dogs need daily outdoor exercise to ensure they are healthy and social. Depending on the season they may be looking forward to a leisurely walk through the neighborhood or perhaps a short game of fetch. They can handle moderate physical activity but can easily become overheated. It is important to monitor them and bring them inside if it gets too hot. While the Bernese Mountain Dog can do well in a small space but it's