us demonstrating a gap between the EAUN-guidelines and the actual performance. Adherence to the guidelines was associated with factors that facilitated an aseptic performance such as using a sterile set and sterile drapes. Healthcare-settings should ensure education and skill training including measures to ensure that the IUC is kept sterile during insertion. Only 55-74% of the nurses practiced one or more precautions that secured sterility of the IUC thus demonstrating a gap between the EAUN-guidelines and the actual performance. Adherence to the guidelines was associated with factors that facilitated an aseptic performance such as using a sterile set and sterile drapes. Healthcare-settings should ensure education and skill training including measures to ensure that the IUC is kept sterile during insertion. There has been substantial progress in research on preventing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the last 20 years. While the evidence suggests the potential of well-designed curriculum-based interventions that target known risk factors of violence at the community level, this has certain limitations for working in partnership with communities in low- and middle-income (LMIC) countries, particularly when it comes to addressing the power dynamics embedded within north-south research relationships. As an alternative approach, we outline the study design for the EVE Project a formative research project implemented in partnership with community-based researchers in Samoa and Amantaní (Peru) using a participatory co-design approach to VAWG prevention research. We detail the methods we will use to overcome the power dynamics that have been historically embedded in Western research practices, including collaboratively defining and agreeing research guidelines before the start of the project, co-creating d intervention design. Our aim is to create new spaces for engagement between indigenous ways of thinking and the evidence that has been established from the past two decades of VAWG prevention research and practice. Despite significant teaching responsibilities and national accreditation standards, most residents do not receive adequate instruction in teaching methods. Published reports of residents-as-teachers programs vary from brief one-time exposures to curricula delivered over several months. A majority of interventions described are one or two-day workshops with no clear follow-up or reinforcement of skills. A three-year longitudinal teaching skills curriculum was implemented with these goals 1) deliver an experiential skill-based teaching curriculum allowing all residents to acquire, practice and implement specific skills; 2) provide spaced skills instruction promoting deliberate practice/reflection; and 3) help residents gain confidence in their teaching skills. One hundred percent of internal medicine residents (82/82) participated in the curriculum. Every 10 weeks residents attended a topic-specific experiential skills-based workshop. Each workshop followed the same pedagogy starting with debriefing/reflecttinuous skill-based practice with feedback and reflection is important. To achieve the health equity, it is important to reduce socioeconomic inequalities when managing chronic diseases. In South Korea, a pilot program for chronic diseases was implemented at the national level. This study aimed to examine its effect on socioeconomic inequalities in chronic disease management at the individual and regional levels. Korean National Health Insurance data from September 2016 to October 2017 were used. Study subjects in the national pilot program for chronic diseases included 31,765 participants and 5,741,922 non-participants. The dependent variable was continuity of prescription medication. Socioeconomic position indicators were health insurance contribution level and the area deprivation index. Covariates were gender, age, and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). A multilevel logistic regression model was used to address the effects at both the individual and regional levels. This is a cross-sectional study. Unlike the group of non-participants, the participants showed no ineqngs suggest that additional policy measures are needed to attain equality in the management of chronic diseases regardless of the regional socioeconomic position. Previous studies have indicated that women with a history of menstrual disorders have an increased risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. This has been attributed to the high proportion of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among this group. The favorable effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on serum lipid profiles and glucose homeostasis in postmenopausal women is widely accepted. Whether HRT can also show positive effects on metabolic homeostasis in menopausal women with prior menstrual disorders (a putative PCOS phenotype) has not been reported yet. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of HRT on glucose and lipid metabolism in peri- and postmenopausal women with prior menstrual disorders and controls who did not have prior menstrual disorders. A retrospective multicenter study was conducted including 595 peri- and postmenopausal women who received HRT at four hospitals in the Zhejiang Province from May 31, 2010 to March 8, 2021. Participants were divided into the Normal menstrurual disorders. HRT shows more obvious within-group improvements in glucose and lipid metabolism in controls, but there is no significant between-group difference. Further prospective studies are required for confirmation. HRT shows more obvious within-group improvements in glucose and lipid metabolism in controls, but there is no significant between-group difference. Further prospective studies are required for confirmation. Better phenotyping of routinely collected coded data would be useful for research and health improvement. For example, the precision of coded data for hemorrhagic stroke (intracerebral hemorrhage [ICH] and subarachnoid hemorrhage [SAH]) may be as poor as < 50%. This work aimed to investigate the feasibility and added value of automated methods applied to clinical radiology reports to improve stroke subtyping. From a sub-population of 17,249 Scottish UK Biobank participants, we ascertained those with an incident stroke code in hospital, death record or primary care administrative data by September 2015, and ≥ 1 clinical brain scan report. We used a combination of natural language processing and clinical knowledge inference on brain scan reports to assign a stroke subtype (ischemic vs ICH vs SAH) for each participant and assessed performance by precision and recall at entity and patient levels. Of 225 participants with an incident stroke code, 207 had a relevant brain scan report and were included in this study.