Italy, one of the first countries to be heavily hit by the spread of the new Coronavirus, has activated precautionary measures aimed at limiting its spread. This emergency situation may be cause of psychological distress in the general population. Therefore, the Italian Twins Registry has decided to carry out an epidemiological study to investigate the social and mental health impact of the covid-19 pandemic on Italian adults. The study has a longitudinal design and is aimed at twins of all ages residing in Italy. An online questionnaire was administered to collect information on socio-economic and health status of the participants, as well as of the households during the lockdown, and on the impact of the pandemic on participants' lives. Levels and prevalence of symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression were measured using validated instruments, such as the STAI-6, IES-R and PHQ-9. This article shows the results of the first wave of the survey (June 2020). A total of 2589 twins participated in the stuic condition and mental health of the Italian population and suggests that some individuals are more vulnerable than others. To evaluate the refusal of the prosthesis in order to highlight elements in determining the acceptance/rejection of the prosthetic devices, and its role on rehabilitation program. A literature review through a search of the database Medline for studies published between October 2007 and May 2020 using the key words "prosthesis", "limb", and "accept"*. Nine studies were included. Women appear to be more concerned about discomfort in using body-powered devices and about prosthesis cosmetic appearance. Level of limb amputation was considered relevant for prosthesis rejection only for the upper limb. Children fitted with prosthesis before two years old were less likely to abandon the prosthesis, preschool children have a lower drop-out prevalence compared to adults and school-age children. Understa