Moreover, the Sal group increased gene expression of interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-1β, and LPS-induced TNF-alpha factor (LITAF) and reduced levels of TGF-β4 and IL-10 compared with the other groups (p less then 0.05). However, chickens receiving probiotic diets increased Lactobacillaceae abundance and reduced Enterobacteriaceae abundance in the ceca. Moreover, supplementation with probiotics increased the mRNA expression of Occludin, ZO1, and Mucin 2 in the ileum (p less then 0.05). In addition, probiotic supplementation downregulated the mRNA levels of IFN-γ (p less then 0.05) and LITAF (p=0.075) and upregulated IL-10 (p=0.084) expression in the cecal tonsil. Conclusion The administration of multi-strain probiotics modulated intestinal microbiota, gene expression of tight junction proteins, and immunomodulatory activity in broiler chickens.Objective The objective of this study was to look for optimal preparation of hydrolysates of desalted duck egg white powder (DDEWP) by the three different proteases and to investigate their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Methods DDEWP was hydrolyzed by three proteases, including pepsin (PEP), Bacillus spp. (BA) and natokinase (NAT) with three different enzyme concentrations (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5%), individually. The important key hydrolysis parameters such as hydrolysis degree, yield, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity were evaluated in this experiment. Results The results showed that the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of all treatments increased with increasing hydrolysis time and protease concentrations. The antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the hydrolysates were affected by type and concentration of protease as well as hydrolysis time. Hydrolysis of PEP significantly (p 37-92%) and BA (30-79%). Besides, DDEWP hydrolysates of PEP presented significantly higher reducing power than BA and NAT. In antimicrobial activities, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were not effectively inhibited by any DDEWP hydrolysates of PEP except for Staphylococcus aureus. Especially, the excellent antibacterial activity against S. aureus only was displayed in DDEWP hydrolysates of PEP 0.1%. Conclusion DDEWP hydrolysates from pepsin demonstrated significantly better DH, yield, DPPH radical scavenging activity and reducing power, furthermore, had excellent inhibitory on S. aureus due to large clear zone and moderated inhibitory in bactericidal inhibition.Objective This study was to investigate the effect of L-carnitine on the characteristics in fresh semen storage of pig. Methods Spermatozoa samples were examined for spermatozoa quality and then randomly divided into 5 groups 0 mM (control), 12.5 mM, 25 mM, 50 mM and 100 mM L-carnitine. Sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity and antioxidant parameters (t-ROS, T-AOC and MDA) were evaluated after 0, 3, 5, and 10 day cooled-storage at 17 ℃. Moreover, ATP content, mitochondria activity as well as sperm-binding and in vitro fertilizing ability of preserved boar sperm were also investigated. Results Supplementation with 50 mM L-carnitine could effectively maintain boar sperm quality parameters such as sperm motility and membrane integrity. Besides, we found that L-carnitine had positive effects on boar sperm quality mainly through improving antioxidant capacities and enhancing ATP content and mitochondria activity. Interestingly, by assessing the effect of L-carnitine on sperm fertility and developmental potential, we discovered that the extender containing L-carnitine could improve sperm quality and increase the number of sperms bounding to zona pellucida (ZP), without improving in vitro fertility and development potential. Conclusion These findings suggested that the proper addition of L-carnitine to the semen extender improved boar sperm quality during liquid storage at 17℃.Objective The rapid and reliable detection of the African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) plays an important role in emergency control and preventive measures of ASF. Some methods have been recommended by FAO/OIE to detect ASFV in clinical samples, including real-time PCR. However, mismatches in primer and probe binding regions may cause a false-negative result. Here, a slight modification in probe sequence has been conducted to improve the qualification of real-time PCR based on OIE protocol for accurate detection of ASFV in field samples in Vietnam. Methods Seven positive confirmed samples (four samples have no mismatch, and three samples contained one mutation in probe binding sites) were used to establish novel real-time PCR with slightly modified probe (Y = C or T) in comparison with original probe recommended by OIE. Results Both real-time PCRs using the OIE-recommended probe and novel modified probe can detect ASFV in clinical samples without mismatch in probe binding site. A high correlation of Cq values was observed in which Cq values obtained from both probes arranged from 22 to 25, suggesting that modified probe sequence does not impede the qualification of real-time PCR to detect ASFV in clinical samples. However, the samples with one mutation in probe binding sites were ASFV negative with OIE recommended probe but positive with our modified probe (Cq value ranked between 33.12-35.78). Conclusion We demonstrated for the first time that a mismatch in probe binding regions caused a false negative result by OIE recommended real-time PCR, and a slightly modified probe is required to enhance the sensitivity and obtain an ASF accurate diagnosis in field samples in Vietnam.Objective Due to rapid economic return, mixed crop-swine farming systems in Korea have become more intensive. Intensive farming practices often cause nutrient surpluses and lead to environmental pollution. Nutrient budgets can be used to evaluate the environmental impact and as a regulatory policy instrument for nutrient management. This study was conducted to select a nutrient budgeting approach applicable to the mixed crop-swine farms in Korea and suggest an effective manure treatment method to reduce on-farm nutrient production. Methods In this study, we compared current and ideal gross nutrient balance (GNB) approaches of OECD and soil system budget (SSB) approach with reference to on-farm manure treatment processes. Data obtained from farm census and published literature were used to develop the farm nutrient budgets. Results The average nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) surpluses were approximately 11 times and over 7 times respectively higher in the GNB approaches than the SSB. After solid-liquid separation of manure, during liquid composting a change in aeration method from intermittent to continuous reduced the N and P loading about 50% and 47%, respectively.