Therefore, we made a diagnosis of a papillary thyroid carcinoma (pT0N1bM0). After surgery, we determined that the tumor belonged to a high-risk group of papillary thyroid carcinomas and a poor-prognosis group of symptomatic papillary thyroid microcarcinomas; accordingly, ablation was performed with 30 mCi iodine-131. There was no recurrence or metastasis 24 months after the first surgery. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.The creatinine kinase (CK)-MB assay can be used for the early diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. We describe the case of an 82-year-old male with lung adenocarcinoma who presented with chest pain. While laboratory findings showed elevated CK-MB levels, there was no cardiac injury. A chest computed tomography scan revealed pleural carcinomatosis. Later, electrophoretic analysis of CK showed a normal CK-MB range but increased CK-BB levels and the presence of macro CK type 2. We determined that the patient's chest pain originated from the visceral pleural invasion of lung cancer. Because of the methods used to measure the CK-MB isozyme, the CK-MB level appeared elevated. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.In attempting to build neurorobotic systems based on flying animals, engineers have come to rely on existing firmware and simulation tools designed for miniature aerial vehicles (MAVs). Although they provide a valuable platform for the collection of data for Deep Learning and related AI approaches, such tools are deliberately designed to be general (supporting air, ground, and water vehicles) and feature-rich. The sheer amount of code required to support such broad capabilities can make it a daunting task to adapt these tools to building neurorobotic systems for flight. In this paper we present a complementary pair of simple, object-oriented software tools (multirotor flight-control firmware and simulation platform), each consisting of a core of a few thousand lines of C++