Value-relevance interventions raised completion rates in developing countries to close the global achievement gap, but only in courses with a global gap. We found minimal evidence that state-of-the-art machine learning methods can forecast the occurrence of a global gap or learn effective individualized intervention policies. Scaling behavioral science interventions across various online learning contexts can reduce their average effectiveness by an order-of-magnitude. However, iterative scientific investigations can uncover what works where for whom.Wound healing in plant tissues, consisting of rigid cell wall-encapsulated cells, represents a considerable challenge and occurs through largely unknown mechanisms distinct from those in animals. Owing to their inability to migrate, plant cells rely on targeted cell division and expansion to regenerate wounds. Strict coordination of these wound-induced responses is essential to ensure efficient, spatially restricted wound healing. Single-cell tracking by live imaging allowed us to gain mechanistic insight into the wound perception and coordination of wound responses after laser-based wounding in Arabidopsis root. We revealed a crucial contribution of the collapse of damaged cells in wound perception and detected an auxin increase specific to cells immediately adjacent to the wound. This localized auxin increase balances wound-induced cell expansion and restorative division rates in a dose-dependent manner, leading to tumorous overproliferation when the canonical TIR1 auxin signaling is disrupted. Auxin and wound-induced turgor pressure changes together also spatially define the activation of key components of regeneration, such as the transcription regulator ERF115. Our observations suggest that the wound signaling involves the sensing of collapse of damaged cells and a local auxin signaling activation to coordinate the downstream transcriptional responses in the immediate wound vicinity.Temperature is a fundamental parameter for all forms of lives. Natural evolution has resulted in organisms which have excellent thermoregulation capabilities in extreme climates. Bioinspired materials that mimic biological solution for thermoregulation have proven promising for passive radiative cooling. However, scalable production of artificial photonic radiators with complex structures, outstanding properties, high throughput, and low cost is still challenging. Herein, we design and demonstrate biologically inspired photonic materials for passive radiative cooling, after discovery of longicorn beetles' excellent thermoregulatory function with their dual-scale fluffs. The natural fluffs exhibit a finely structured triangular cross-section with two thermoregulatory effects which effectively reflects sunlight and emits thermal radiation, thereby decreasing the beetles' body temperature. Inspired by the finding, a photonic film consisting of a micropyramid-arrayed polymer matrix with random ceramic particles is fabricated with high throughput. The film reflects ∼95% of solar irradiance and exhibits an infrared emissivity >0.96. The effective cooling power is found to be ∼90.8 W⋅m-2 and a temperature decrease of up to 5.1 °C is recorded under direct sunlight. Additionally, the film exhibits hydrophobicity, superior flexibility, and strong mechanical strength, which is promising for thermal management in various electronic devices and wearable products. Our work paves the way for designing and fabrication of high-performance thermal regulation materials.One of the most challenging tasks in biological science is to understand how a protein folds. In theoretical studies, the hypothesis adopting a funnel-like free-energy landscape has been recognized as a prominent scheme for explaining protein folding in views of both internal energy and conformational heterogeneity of a protein. Despite numerous experimental efforts, however, comprehensively studying protein folding with respect to its global conformational changes in conjunction with the heterogeneity has been elusive. Here we investigate the redox-coupled folding dynamics of equine heart cytochrome c (cyt-c) induced by external electron injection by using time-resolved X-ray solution scattering. A systematic kinetic analysis unveils a kinetic model for its folding with a stretched exponential behavior during the transition toward the folded state. With the aid of the ensemble optimization method combined with molecular dynamics simulations, we found that during the folding the heterogeneously populated ensemble of the unfolded state is converted to a narrowly populated ensemble of folded conformations. These observations obtained from the kinetic and the structural analyses of X-ray scattering data reveal that the folding dynamics of cyt-c accompanies many parallel pathways associated with the heterogeneously populated ensemble of unfolded conformations, resulting in the stretched exponential kinetics at room temperature. This finding provides direct evidence with a view to microscopic protein conformations that the cyt-c folding initiates from a highly heterogeneous unfolded state, passes through still diverse intermediate structures, and reaches structural homogeneity by arriving at the folded state.We study the association between sociospatial neighborhood conditions throughout childhood and educational attainment in adulthood. Using unique longitudinal microdata for a medium-sized Swedish town, we geocode its population at the address level, 1939 to 1967, and link individuals to national registers, 1968 to 2015. Thus, we adopt a long-term perspective on the importance of nearby neighbors during a period when higher education expanded. Applying a method for estimating individual neighborhoods at the address level, we analyze the association between the geographically weighted social class of the nearest 6 to 100 childhood neighbors (ages 2 to 17), and the likelihood of obtaining a university degree by age 40, controlling for both family social class and school districts. We show that even when growing up in a town with relatively low economic inequality, the social class of the nearest same-age neighbors in childhood was associated with educational attainment, and that the associations were similar regardless of class origin.