The consequences of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) on female genital self-image are not known. To assess whether women with and without FGM/C differed with regard to female genital self-image. A survey was administered to a group of women attending the King Abdulaziz University Hospital obstetrics and gynecology clinic from December 2016 to August 2017. 963 consecutive adult women seen at the clinic completed the survey. The main outcome measure of this study was female genital self-image being assessed with the female genital self-image scale (FGSIS). One-fifth (18.2%) of the women self-reported having undergone FGM/C as young girls. Women with FGM/C had a similar FGSIS score as women with no FGM/C (21.3±4.6, n=175 vs 21.6±4.8, n=756, analysis of variance, P=.37). In multivariate regression analysis, only level of education remained independently associated with the FGSIS score. Women with some university education had a greater mean FGSIS score than women with no university education (22.1±4.49, n=564 vs 20.8±5.03, n=399, P<.0001). Women with and without FGM/C in a Saudi Arabian clinic generally had a similarly positive genital self-image. Only level of education was independently associated with the FGSIS score. Rouzi AA, Berg RC, Alamoudi R, etal. Female Genital Self-Image in Women With and Without Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Sex Med 2020;8752-756. Women with and without FGM/C in a Saudi Arabian clinic generally had a similarly positive genital self-image. Only level of education was independently associated with the FGSIS score. Rouzi AA, Berg RC, Alamoudi R, et al. Female Genital Self-Image in Women With and Without Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Sex Med 2020;8752-756. In this moments, of extreme gravity in which we find ourselves, and in the uncertainty face about the most effective treatment against COVID-19 disease and with the aim of find the evidence that support the chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine use recommendation to treat COVID-19 disease, a systematic review of published studies and RCT studies publishes until April 28, 2020 was carried out. A systematic search was carried out in PubMed with the keywords COVID-19 and their synonyms and hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine. The data selection and extraction was elaborated by two researchers, independently. The results were discussed with a Primary Care physicians clinical group and the results were synthesized using GRADE methodology. A good quality systematic review was found that includes articles with a high risk of bias. And 8 EC launched that will produce results beyond May 2020. Although the conclusions of the systematic review generate a low confidence in the results, and the clinical variables that show benefit are intermediate variables, the side effects are acceptable and could be minimized with the use of QT lengthening risk tools, so it is could make a weak recommendation in favor of the use of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine in patients with mild-moderate stage COVID-19. Although the conclusions of the systematic review generate a low confidence in the results, and the clinical variables that show benefit are intermediate variables, the side effects are acceptable and could be minimized with the use of QT lengthening risk tools, so it is could make a weak recommendation in favor of the use of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine in patients with mild-moderate stage COVID-19.UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UV-DDB) is a heterodimeric complex, composed of DDB1 and DDB2, and is involved in global genome nucleotide excision repair. Mutations in DDB2 are associated with xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group E. UV-DDB forms a ubiquitin E3 ligase complex with cullin-4A and RBX that helps to relax chromatin around UV-induced photoproducts through the ubiquitination of histone H2A. After providing a brief historical perspective on UV-DDB, we review our current knowledge of the structure and function of this intriguing repair protein. Finally, this article discusses emerging data suggesting that UV-DDB may have other non-canonical roles in base excision repair and the etiology of cancer. Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is routinely used for emergent airway management in the emergency department (ED). It involves the use of induction, and paralytic agents help facilitate endotracheal tube placement. In response to a previous national drug shortage resulting in the use of alternative induction agents for RSI, we describe the effectiveness and safety of ED RSI with ketamine or methohexital compared with etomidate. We conducted a retrospective, single-center observational study from March 1-August 31, 2012 describing RSI with etomidate, ketamine, and methohexital. All adult patients undergoing RSI in the ED who received etomidate prior to its shortage and methohexital or ketamine during the shortage were included. The study included 47, 9, and 26 patients in the etomidate, ketamine, and methohexital groups, respectively. Successful intubation on the first attempt occurred in 74.5%, 55.6%, and 73.1% of the etomidate, ketamine, and methohexital groups, respectively. The mean number of intubation attempts and time to intubation seemed to be similar in all groups. At least three intubation attempts were required in 22.2% and 7.7% of the ketamine and methohexital groups, respectively, compared with none in the etomidate group. Two aspirations were observed in the etomidate group. Methohexital and etomidate had similar rates of successful intubation on the first attempt and seem to be more effective than ketamine. Etomidate may reduce the need for three or more intubation attempts. Larger, prospective studies are needed to determine if ketamine or methohexital are more effective than etomidate for RSI. Methohexital and etomidate had similar rates of successful intubation on the first attempt and seem to be more effective than ketamine. Etomidate may reduce the need for three or more intubation attempts. Larger, prospective studies are needed to determine if ketamine or methohexital are more effective than etomidate for RSI.