Do you wish to market a service or product but aren't sure how to start? If this is that case, Facebook marketing might be the answer you're looking for. Through Facebook, you can share your message with a global audience. If you think you can benefit from the power of Facebook, check out the helpful tips below, geared to gain you an audience. Make sure that all content you publish online is at least linked to from your Facebook. Set up your blog so that new posts are automatically linked on Facebook. Connect your Facebook page with your Twitter profile to have your tweets posted to Facebook. A page is great, but a group might be a better idea. A Facebook group will help encourage your followers to develop and participate in an online community where they can interact together. Both pages and groups will allow your followers to see what you are doing and then they can respond in kind. Be sure and answer all questions that people post on your Facebook page. If a person has taken the time to reach out to you, thank them for their time and answer any query they have as quickly as possible. Share links to articles if they answer questions posed on your site. Consider buying advertisements on Facebook. You ad can be customized to be shown only to certain ages or genders. may also use a given budget and do a lot or a little as you can manage. Finally, there is no long-term commitment. Your ad can be taken down at any time. Hold a giveaway promotion to get more followers. Offer a freebie to anyone who likes your Facebook page or subscribes to your emails. You will have the chance to communicate with a large amount of people. Use care in selecting your updates. If you don't share content that has value, you won't keep fans very long. Updates need to be entertaining, helpful, or educational. Access Facebook Insights to pinpoint which updates have been most successful,and then you can use similar content. Always answer comments and posts that show up on you