Neurosteroids are steroids synthetized in the nervous system, with the first step of steroidogenesis taking place within mitochondria with the synthesis of pregnenolone. They exert important brain-specific functions by playing a role in neurotransmission, learning and memory processes, and neuroprotection. Here, we show for the first time that mitochondrial neurosteroidogenesis follows a circadian rhythm and correlates with the rhythmic changes in mitochondrial morphology. We used synchronized human A172 glioma cells, which are steroidogenic cells with a functional core molecular clock, to show that pregnenolone levels and translocator protein (TSPO) are controlled by the clock, probably via circadian regulation of mitochondrial fusion/fission. Key findings were recapitulated in mouse brains. We also showed that genetic or pharmacological abrogation of fusion/fission activity, as well as disturbing the core molecular clock, abolished circadian rhythms of pregnenolone and TSPO. Our findings provide new insights into the crosstalk between mitochondrial function (here, neurosteroidogenesis) and circadian cycles.Insert conditions significantly influence the product quality and manufacturing efficiency of lathe machining. This study used the power spectral density distribution of the vibration signals of a lathe machining accelerometer to design an insert condition classification system applicable to different machining conditions. For four common lathe machining insert conditions (i.e., built-up edge, flank wear, normal, and fracture), herein, the insert condition classification system was established with two stages-insert condition modeling and machining model fusion. In the insert condition modeling stage, the magnitude features of the segmented frequencies were captured according to the power spectral density distributions of the accelerometer vibration signals. Principal component analysis and backpropagation neu