On the other hand, for adaptation over a long time scale, modifications to the synaptic connections enable the neuronal network to generate a novel activation pattern required by BMI (extension of the intrinsic manifold). Understanding of the intrinsic constraints in adaptive changes of neuronal activities will provide the basic principles of learning mechanisms in the brain and methodological clues for better performance in engineering and clinical applications of BMI. V.Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use has grown substantially since inception, particularly among adolescents and combustible tobacco users. Several cigarette smoke constituents with known neurovascular effect are present in e-cigarette liquids or formed during the vapor generation. The present study establishes inhaled models of cigarette and e-cigarette use with normalized nicotine delivery, then characterizes the impact on blood-brain barrier (BBB) function. Sequencing of microvessel RNA following exposure revealed downregulation of several genes with critical roles in BBB function. Reduced protein expression of Occludin and Glut1 is also observed at the tight junction in all groups following exposure. Pro-inflammatory changes in leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction are also noted, and mice exposed to nicotine-free e-cigarettes have impaired novel object recognition performance. On this basis, it is concluded that long term e-cigarette use may adversely impact neurovascular health. The observed effects are noted to be partly independent of nicotine content and nicotine may even serve to moderate the effects of non-nicotinic components on the blood-brain barrier. Herpetic neuralgia is a painful condition following herpes zoster disease, which results from Varicella-zoster virus reactivation in the dorsal or trigeminal sensory ganglia. Nevertheless, the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in herpetic neuralgia are not well understood. Recently, we identified, that neuroimmune-glia interactions in the sensory ganglion is a critical mechanism for the development of herpetic neuralgia. Here, we investigate the contribution of S100A9, a well-known pro-inflammatory molecule produced by myeloid cells, for the development of herpetic neuralgia using a murine model of HSV-1 infection. We found that cutaneous HSV-1 infection results in an increase of S100A9 expression in the Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRGs). Infiltrating neutrophils into the DRGs were the main source of S100A9 post HSV-1 infection. Functionally, genetic or pharmacological inhibition of S100A9 impairs the development of HSV-1 infection-induced mechanical pain hypersensitivity. Finally, we found that the pronociceptive role of S100A9 in herpetic neuralgia depends on the TLR4/TNF pathway. These results unraveled previously unknown mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of herpetic neuralgia and indicate that S100A9 might be an important target for novel therapies aiming acute herpetic neuralgia. BACKGROUND Neurodegenerative diseases feature stereotypical deposits of protein aggregates that selectively accumulate in vulnerable cells. The ability to simultaneously localize multiple targets in situ is critical to facilitate discovery and validation of pathogenic molecular pathways. Immunostaining methods enable in situ detection of specific targets. Effective stripping of antibodies, allowing successive rounds of staining while maintaining tissue adhesion and antigen integrity, is the main roadblock for enabling multiplex immunostaining in standard labs. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/mavoglurant.html Furthermore, stripping techniques require antibody-specific optimization, validation, and quality control steps. NEW METHOD Aiming to create protocols for multiplex localization of neurodegenerative-related processes, without the need for specialized equipment, we evaluated several antibody stripping techniques. We also recommend quality control steps to validate stripping efficacy and ameliorate concerns of cross-reactivity and false positives based on extensive testing. RESULTS A protocol using β-mercaptoethanol and SDS consistently enables reliable antibody stripping across multiple rounds of staining and minimizes the odds of cross-reactivity while preserving tissue adhesion and antigen integrity in human postmortem tissue. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS Our proposed method is optimal for standard lab settings and shows consistent efficacy despite the intricacies of suboptimal human postmortem tissue and the need to strip markers bound to highly aggregated proteins. Additionally, it incorporates quality control steps to validate antibody stripping. CONCLUSIONS Multiplex immunofluorescence methods for studying neurodegenerative diseases in human postmortem tissue are feasible even in standard laboratories. Nevertheless, evaluation of stripping parameters during optimization and validation phases of experiments is prudent. Scopoletin is a botanical coumarin. Notably, scopoletin effect on phagocytic activity has not been addressed on transcriptomic level. Accordingly, this study investigated the effect of scopoletin on phagocytosis-linked gene transcription. Whole phagocytosis transcriptional profiling of stimulated U937-derived macrophages (SUDMs) in response to scopoletin as compared to non-treated SUDMs was studied. Regarding scopoletin effect on 92 phagocytosis-linked genes, 12 of them were significantly affected (p-value  less then  .05). Seven genes were downregulated (CDC42, FCGR1A/FCGR1C, ITGA9, ITGB3, PLCE1, RHOD & RND3) and five were upregulated (DIRAS3, ITGA1, PIK3CA, PIK3R3 & PLCD1). Moreover, scopoletin enhanced phagocytic activity of SUDMs. The current results highlighted the potential use of scopoletin as immunity booster and as an adjuvant remedy in management of some autoimmune reactions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that unravels the effect of scopoletin on phagocytosis via transcriptomic analysis. Osteosarcoma (OS) is known as a malignant bone tumor affecting mainly children and younger adults. Despite all the improvements in the treatment of OS, the overall survival among patients remained mostly unsatisfied. It involves different mechanisms and signaling pathways. Some recent studies confirmed that circular RNAs (circRNAs) have a revelatory role in controlling OS cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. CircRNAs consist of a covalently closed-loop structure with neither 5' nor 3' poly adenylated tail, lacking protein-encoding ability formed by back-splicing mechanisms. They mainly act as microRNA (miRNA) sponges and modulate the downstream biological processes. Up/down regulation of some circRNAs demonstrated to serve as the oncogenic factor in some tumor tissues such as OS. In this article, we review the regulatory functions of circRNAs resulting in OS cell progression or restraint and the potential for being used in vitro or in vivo as diagnostic or therapeutic biomarkers.