80%; P = .002). There were 27 of 104 patients with IUD use of less than 1 year, and fibroids were present 44.4% of the time. Comparatively, of the 77 patients that had IUD continuation of greater than 1 year, only 24.7% had fibroids (P = .022). The yearly continuation rates over 5 years were 74.04%, 55.84%, 41.67%, 35.14%, and 32.0% respectively. Of the 18 patients who received TAUS-guided insertion for a previous IUD expulsion, 33.3% had another spontaneous expulsion. Uterine fibroids and a previous expulsion appear to be the most likely predictors of IUD discontinuation, particularly within 1 year after insertion. Uterine fibroids and a previous expulsion appear to be the most likely predictors of IUD discontinuation, particularly within 1 year after insertion. To estimate T 1 for each distinct fiber population within voxels containing multiple brain tissue types. A diffusion- T 1 correlation experiment was carried out in an in vivo human brain using tensor-valued diffusion encoding and multiple repetition times. The acquired data were inverted using a Monte Carlo algorithm that retrieves nonparametric distributions P ( D , R 1 ) of diffusion tensors and longitudinal relaxation rates R 1 = 1 / T 1 . Orientation distribution functions (ODFs) of the highly anisotropic components of P ( D , R 1 ) were def- T 1 features, thereby showing potential for characterizing developmental or pathological changes in T 1 within a given fiber bundle, and for investigating interbundle T 1 differences. Our Monte Carlo framework enables the nonparametric estimation of fiber-specific diffusion- T 1 features, thereby showing potential for characterizing developmental or pathological changes in T 1 within a given fiber bundle, and for investigating interbundle T 1 differences. Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is one of the most life-threatening hematological emergencies and requires a prompt correct diagnosis by cytomorphology and flow cytometry (FCM) with later confirmation by cytogenetics/molecular genetics. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/GDC-0449.html However, nucleophosmin 1 muted acute myeloid leukemia (NPM1+ AML) can mimic APL, especially the hypogranular variant of APL. Our study aimed to develop a novel, Radar plot-based FCM strategy to distinguish APLs and NPM1+ AMLs quickly and accurately. Diagnostic samples from 52 APL and 32 NPM1+ AMLs patients were analyzed by a 3-tube panel of 10-color FCM. Radar plots combining all markers were constructed for each tube. Percentages of positive leukemic cells and mean fluorescence intensity were calculated for all the markers. APL showed significantly higher expression of CD64, CD2, and CD13, whereas more leukemic cells were positive for CD11b, CD11c, CD15, CD36, and HLA-DR in NPM1+ AMLs. Radar plots featured CD2 expression, a lack of a monocytic component, lack of expression of HLA-DR and CD15, and a lack of a prominent CD11c+ population as recurring characteristics of APL. The presence of blasts with low SSC, presence of at least some monocytes, some expression of HLA-DR and/or CD15, and a prominent CD11c population were recurrent characteristics of NPM1+ AMLs. Radar plot analysis could confidently separate all hypergranular APL cases from any NPM1+ AML and in 90% of cases between variant APL and blastic NPM1+ AML. Radar plots can potentially add to differential diagnostics as they exhibit characteristic patterns distinguishing APL and different types of NPM1+ AMLs. Radar plots can potentially add to differential diagnostics as they exhibit characteristic patterns distinguishing APL and different types of NPM1+ AMLs. In this study, a face-centered central composite design was applied to optimize pulsed electric field parameters (voltage 1, 4, 7 kV cm ; pulse number 10, 65, 120) for the extraction of natural saponins from Chubak root. Data analysis showed that increasing the voltage from 1 to 4 kV cm and pulse number from 10 to 65 increased foaming ability (FA) and emulsion stability, and decreased foam density (FD), foam stability (FS) and lightness, due to the improved extraction of saponins. Whereas, an opposite trend was observed for FA, FD and FS on increasing the voltage from 4 to 7 kV cm as a result of more impurities being extracted. Furthermore, the Chubak root extract (CRE) (0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 g kg ) obtained under the optimized conditions (voltage of 6.4 kV cm and pulse number of 80) was used in ice cream formulation because of its ability to reduce surface tension. Based on the results, the samples containing higher amounts of CRE showed higher viscosity, consistency coefficient, overrun, melting resistance and creaminess, as well as lower values of flow behavior index, hardness, adhesiveness, coarseness and coldness. This could be related to the increased water retention, improved whipping ability, greater fat destabilization and smaller ice crystals. Although more bitterness was perceived as a result of an increase in the level of CRE, it had no negative effect on the overall acceptance assessed by trained sensory panelists. The results of this study briefly support the conclusion that CRE has a very high potential for use as a foaming, emulsifying and stabilizing agent to improve the quality of ice cream. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry. The results of this study briefly support the conclusion that CRE has a very high potential for use as a foaming, emulsifying and stabilizing agent to improve the quality of ice cream. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry. Rice flour does not contain gluten and lacks cohesion and extensibility, which is responsible for the poor texture of rice noodles. Different technologies have been used to mitigate this challenge, including hydrothermal treatments of rice flour, direct addition of protein in noodles, use of additives such as hydrocolloids and alginates, and microbial transglutaminase (MTG). Recently, the inclusion of soy protein isolate (SPI), MTG, and glucono-δ-lactone (GDL) in the rice noodles system yielded rice noodles with improved texture and more compact microstructure, hence the need to optimize the addition of SPI, MTG, and GDL to make quality rice noodles. Numerical optimization showed that rice noodles prepared with SPI, 68.32 (g kg of rice flour), MTG, 5.06 (g kg of rice flour) and GDL, 5.0 (g kg of rice flour) gave the best response variables; hardness (53.19 N), springiness (0.76), chewiness (20.28 J), tensile strength (60.35 kPa), and cooking time (5.15 min). The pH, sensory, and microstructure results showed that the optimized rice noodles had a more compact microstructure with fewer hollows, optimum pH for MTG action, and overall sensory panelists also showed the highest preference for the optimized formulation, compared to other samples selected from the numerical optimization and desirability tests.