To investigate whether thyroid cancer survivors would have increased risks of adverse obstetric outcomes. Data from 154 women with a history of thyroid cancer who had a live birth at Peking University Third Hospital from January 2012 to December 2019 were collected. The control group consisted of 308 women without any thyroid disease or malignant tumor. Age and year of delivery were matched between the two groups. Serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone and free thyroxine were significantly lower and higher in thyroid cancer patients, respectively (P<0.001). After adjusting for age, pre-pregnancy body mass index, pre-pregnancy hypertension, pre-pregnancy diabetes mellitus, previous cesarean section, and conception by in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic injection, adverse obstetric outcomes including preterm birth (odds ratio [OR] 0.73, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.32-1.67), low birth weight infant (OR 1.05, 95% CI 0.44-2.50), gestational diabetes mellitus (OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.54-1.39), and pre-eclampsia (OR 1.11, 95% CI 0.34-3.57) showed no differences between thyroid cancer survivors and the control group. However, pregnant women with a history of thyroid cancer had a higher risk of abnormally invasive placentation (OR 10.57, 95% CI 1.22-91.97, P=0.032). Although the thyroid function status of thyroid cancer patients was different from that of pregnant women without any thyroid disease or malignancy, they would not be at a higher risk of most adverse obstetric outcomes except for abnormally invasive placentation. Although the thyroid function status of thyroid cancer patients was different from that of pregnant women without any thyroid disease or malignancy, they would not be at a higher risk of most adverse obstetric outcomes except for abnormally invasive placentation.Vertical geological heterogeneity, such as clay content and grain size variation, may affect land subsidence caused by groundwater extraction. In order to test this hypothesis, one-dimensional pore-water mass balance and force balance equations of a water-saturated poroelastic medium were solved under different heterogeneous geological conditions. Results showed that clay content and grain size variation in sandstone could affect subsidence rates by up to an order of magnitude due to the changes in stiffness and permeability of the medium, indicating the importance of small-scale heterogeneity in subsidence simulation studies. Predicted values of subsidence were in good agreement with field measurements for two sites in the Kanto groundwater basin in Japan, showing the applicability of the model to other groundwater basins with clay-rich aquifers.Although parasites are increasingly recognized for their ecosystem roles, it is often assumed that free-living organisms dominate animal biomass in most ecosystems and therefore provide the primary pathways for energy transfer. To examine the contributions of parasites to ecosystem energetics in freshwater streams, we quantified the standing biomass of trematodes and free-living organisms at nine sites in three streams in western Oregon, USA. We then compared the rates of biomass flow from snails Juga plicifera into trematode parasites relative to aquatic vertebrate predators (sculpin, cutthroat trout and Pacific giant salamanders). The trematode parasite community had the fifth highest dry biomass density among stream organisms (0.40 g/m2 ) and exceeded the combined biomass of aquatic insects. Only host snails (3.88 g/m2 ), sculpin (1.11 g/m2 ), trout (0.73 g/m2 ) and crayfish (0.43 g/m2 ) had a greater biomass. The parasite 'extended phenotype', consisting of trematode plus castrated host biomass, exceeded the individual biomass of every taxonomic group other than snails. The substantial parasite biomass stemmed from the high snail density and infection prevalence, and the large proportional mass of infected hosts that consisted of trematode tissue (M = 31% per snail). Estimates of yearly biomass transfer from snails into trematodes were slightly higher than the combined estimate of snail biomass transfer into the three vertebrate predators. Pacific giant salamanders accounted for 90% of the snail biomass consumed by predators. These results demonstrate that trematode parasites play underappreciated roles in the ecosystem energetics of some freshwater streams.The femoral nerve stretch test is an essential part of clinical neurological examinations. This test is performed alongside Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to determine if there is any evidence of nerve root irritation, usually as a consequence of disc prolapse. The test occasionally gives false positive results. Why such false positives can occur, is subject to continued research, however, no obvious reason has yet emerged. We hypothesize that connectives of the femoral nerve may explain such a phenomenon. To see these connectives, we approached the femoral nerve from dorsal in 12 cases. With the use of ink injection into the subparaneural compartment of the femoral nerve and dissections, a thin transparent structure can clearly be seen that is separate from the epineurium, perineurium, and a paraneural sheath. A continuation of the paraneural sheath produces a fascia plate approximately 1.5 cm in width and with a thickness of around 3 mm, which not only circumnavigates the nerve but projects into the surrounding tissues. Our qualitative observations show that not only does this femoral nerve fascia plate exists, but it also contains nerves and vessels. Furthermore, we show that the femoral nerve is connected to the myofascial complex of the iliopsoas, and in a separate fascia plate from the iliopsoas fascia. This plate is a hitherto neglected connective which extends as far as the spinal dura mater. Evidence from our plastinates and histological sections suggests that when tension is applied to the femoral nerve during the femoral nerve stretch test, tension is also applied to the femoral nerve fascia plate. The femoral nerve fascia plate could be a specific factor that contributes to pain resulting in a false positive femoral nerve stretch test.