The results indicate that ResNet can determine complicated features of high-frequency signals and predict depths, regardless of the receiver depth, while exhibiting robust environmental and positional variability.In the clinic, many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures focus on the oscillation patterns of the vocal folds (VF). Dynamic characteristics of the VFs, such as symmetry, periodicity, and full glottal closure, are considered essential features for healthy phonation. However, the relevance of these individual factors in the complex interaction between the airflow, laryngeal structures, and the resulting acoustics has not yet been quantified. Sustained phonation was induced in nine excised porcine larynges without vocal tract (supraglottal structures had been removed above the ventricular folds). The multimodal setup was designed to simultaneously control and monitor key aspects of phonation in the three essential parts of the larynx. More specifically, measurements will comprise (1) the subglottal pressure signal, (2) high-speed recordings in the glottal plane, and (3) the acoustic signal in the supraglottal region. The automated setup regulates glottal airflow, asymmetric arytenoid adduction, and the pre-phonatory glottal gap. Statistical analysis revealed a beneficial influence of VF periodicity and glottal closure on the signal quality of the subglottal pressure and the supraglottal acoustics, whereas VF symmetry only had a negligible influence. Strong correlations were found between the subglottal and supraglottal signal quality, with significant improvement of the acoustic quality for high levels of periodicity and glottal closure.The multimodal method is used to develop an approach for optimizing the shape of axisymmetric acoustic horns for both well-controlled directivity and high radiation efficiency over a wide frequency range. A horn with an arbitrary profile can be efficiently modeled with the multimodal method by projecting the wave field over transverse modes in connected short cylinders; the radii of the cylinders are used directly as design variables. Many design variables are employed in the optimization process to ensure design flexibility and computational accuracy. The relative weights for the design objectives of constant directivity, high radiation efficiency, and acceptable shape smoothness are adjusted by two coefficients in the objective function. The optimization problem is solved with a gradient-based algorithm, which takes advantage of algebraic gradient expressions. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the optimization procedure generates smooth horn contours that exhibit considerably improved performance over the target frequency band. Interestingly, a high-quality horn produced with moderate weight coefficients is similar in shape to constant-directivity horns invented earlier while having good low-frequency loading properties. The proposed method provides an attractive alternative to conventional horn design approaches.Cochlear-implant (CI) users experience less success in understanding speech in noisy, real-world listening environments than normal-hearing (NH) listeners. Perceptual restoration is one method NH listeners use to repair noise-interrupted speech. Whereas previous work has reported that CI users can use perceptual restoration in certain cases, they failed to do so under listening conditions in which NH listeners can successfully restore. Providing increased opportunities to use top-down linguistic knowledge is one possible method to increase perceptual restoration use in CI users. This work tested perceptual restoration abilities in 18 CI users and varied whether a semantic cue (presented visually) was available prior to the target sentence (presented auditorily). Results showed that whereas access to a semantic cue generally improved performance with interrupted speech, CI users failed to perceptually restore speech regardless of the semantic cue availability. The lack of restoration in this population directly contradicts previous work in this field and raises questions of whether restoration is possible in CI users. One reason for speech-in-noise understanding difficulty in CI users could be that they are unable to use tools like restoration to process noise-interrupted speech effectively.Here, the problem of mode coupling in a mixed layer (ML) surface duct is considered where the coupling is induced by deterministic upper ocean features such as eddies, filaments, and/or density compensated temperature and salinity anomalies (spice). The single scatter Dyson series solution for mode energy is used to define a non-dimensional mode interaction parameter Γmn that quantifies the strength of coupling between modes m and n as a function of environmental factors and frequency. Direct coupled mode simulations at 400 and 1000 Hz show weak, first order coupling and small ML transmission loss (TL) variability when Γmn1, there is strong, higher order coupling with large changes in ML TL. Importantly, there is a frequency dependent resonance condition associated with the range width of the perturbations, Δ, such that Γmn→0 as Δ→0 and ∞.In thermoelastic wave attenuation, such as that caused by heterogeneities much smaller than the wavelength, e.g., Savage theory of spherical pores, the shape of the relaxation peak differs from that of the Zener (or standard linear solid) mechanical model. In these effective homogeneous media, the anelastic behavior is better represented by a stress-strain relation based on fractional derivatives; particularly, P- and S-wave dispersion and attenuation is well described by a Cole-Cole equation. We propose a time-domain algorithm for wave propagation based on the Grünwald-Letnikov numerical derivative and the Fourier pseudospectral method to compute the spatial derivatives. As an example, we consider Savage theory and verify the algorithm by comparison with the analytical solution in homogeneous media based on the frequency-domain Green function. Moreover, we illustrate the modeling performance with wave propagation in a two half-space medium where one section is lossless and the other is a Cole-Cole medium. This apparently simple example, which does not have an analytical solution, shows the complexity of the wavefield that characterizes a single flat interface.