This article presents the H-PULSE, a novel semi-passive upper-limb exoskeleton for worker assistance, with motorized tuning of the assistive level. The H-PULSE presents novel design features compared to other passive industrial exoskeletons for the upper limbs, namely joint angle sensors for measuring shoulder flexion/extension and a novel active mechanism for regulating the assistance level. These features could enhance the effectiveness of the system. Along with the presentation of the exoskeleton design, this article reports on the system experimental evaluation with human subjects. The H-PULSE was assessed in prolonged static overhead tasks under different conditions of assistive support. The set of metrics to evaluate the effects of the device included shoulder muscular activity, heart rate, and subjective user feedback. Results show that the exoskeleton can reduce the users' muscular activity and the heart rate. Subjective questionnaires allowed the assessment of perceived exoskeleton effectiveness. In this study, the H-PULSE exoskeleton was found to be potentially effective in reducing the muscular strain while reducing the global fatigue level during prolonged continuous overhead activities.This article presents a real-time bokeh rendering technique that splats pre-computed sprites but takes dynamic visibilities and intrinsic appearances into account at runtime. To attain alias-free looks without excessive sampling on a lens, the visibilities of strong highlights are densely sampled using rasterization, while regular objects are sparsely sampled using conventional defocus-blur rendering. The intrinsic appearance is dynamically transformed from a precomputed look-up table, which encodes radial aberrations against image distances in a compact 2D texture. Our solution can render complex bokeh effects without undersampling artifacts in real time, and greatly improve the photorealism of defocus-blur rendering.3D models are commonly used in computer vision and graphics. With the wider availability of mesh data, an efficient and intrinsic deep learning approach to processing 3D meshes is in great need. Unlike images, 3D meshes have irregular connectivity, requiring careful design to capture relations in the data. To utilize the topology information while staying robust under different triangulations, we propose to encode mesh connectivity using Laplacian spectral analysis, along with mesh feature aggregation blocks (MFABs) that can split the surface domain into local pooling patches and aggregate global information amongst them. We build a mesh hierarchy from fine to coarse using Laplacian spectral clustering, which is flexible under isometric transformations. Inside the MFABs there are pooling layers to collect local information and multi-layer perceptrons to compute vertex features of increasing complexity. To obtain the relationships among different clusters, we introduce a Correlation Net to compute a correlation matrix, which can aggregate the features globally by matrix multiplication with cluster features. Our network architecture is flexible enough to be used on meshes with different numbers of vertices. We conduct several experiments including shape segmentation and classification, and our method outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms for these tasks on the ShapeNet and COSEG datasets.Nonrigid image registration plays an important role in the field of computer vision and medical application. The methods based on Demons algorithm for image registration usually use intensity difference as similarity criteria. However, intensity based methods can not preserve image texture details well and are limited by local minima. In order to solve these problems, we propose a Gabor feature based LogDemons registration method in this paper, called GFDemons. We extract Gabor features of the registered images to construct feature similarity metric since Gabor filters are suitable to extract image texture information. Furthermore, because of the weak gradients in some image regions, the update fields are too small to transform the moving image to the fixed image correctly. In order to compensate this deficiency, we propose an inertial constraint strategy based on GFDemons, named IGFDemons, using the previous update fields to provide guided information for the current update field. The inertial constraint strategy can further improve the performance of the proposed method in terms of accuracy and convergence. We conduct experiments on three different types of images and the results demonstrate that the proposed methods achieve better performance than some popular methods.Estimating optical flow from successive video frames is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision and image processing. In the era of deep learning, many methods have been proposed to use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for optical flow estimation in an unsupervised manner. However, the performance of unsupervised optical flow approaches is still unsatisfactory and often lagging far behind their supervised counterparts, primarily due to over-smoothing across motion boundaries and occlusion. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel method with a new post-processing term and an effective loss function to estimate optical flow in an unsupervised, end-to-end learning manner. Specifically, we first exploit a CNN-based non-local term to refine the estimated optical flow by removing noise and decreasing blur around motion boundaries. This is implemented via automatically learning weights of dependencies over a large spatial neighborhood. Because of its learning ability, the method is effective for various complicated image sequences. Secondly, to reduce the influence of occlusion, a symmetrical energy formulation is introduced to detect the occlusion map from refined bi-directional optical flows. Then the occlusion map is integrated to the loss function. Extensive experiments are conducted on challenging datasets, i.e. FlyingChairs, MPI-Sintel and KITTI to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The state-of-the-art results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.