In this study, ultrasonication, a physical, relatively cheap, and environmentally benign technology, was investigated to characterize its effect on functional properties of rice starch and rice starch-based sauces. Temperature-assisted ultrasound treatment improved the granular swelling power, fat and water absorption capacities, and thermal properties of rice starch, signifying its suitability in the formulation of starch-based sauces. Rheological characterization of the formulated sauces revealed a shear-thinning flow behavior, well described by the Ostwald de Waele model, while viscoelastic properties showed the existence of a weak gel. Results indicated that ultrasonication significantly enhanced the pseudoplastic behavior of starch-based sauces. Additionally, textural analysis showed that textural attributes (stickiness, stringiness, and work of adhesion) were also improved with ultrasonication. Moreover, enhanced freeze/thaw stability was also achieved with ultrasound-treated starch-based sauces. Overall, the results from this study show that ultrasound-treated starches can be used in the formulation of sauces and potentially other food products, which meets the requirements for clean label and minimally processed foods.The generation of cavitation-free radicals through evanescent electric field and bulk-streaming was reported when micro-volumes of a liquid were subjected to 10 MHz surface acoustic waves (SAW) on a piezoelectric substrate [Rezk et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 4655-4661; Rezk et al., Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2001983]. In the current study, we have tested a similar hypothesis with PZT-based ultrasonic units (760 kHz and 2 MHz) with varying dissolved gas concentrations, by sonochemiluminescence measurement and iodide dosimetry, to correlate radical generation with dissolved gas concentrations. The dissolved gas concentration was adjusted by controlling the over-head gas pressure. Our study reveals that there is a strong correlation between sonochemical activity and dissolved gas concentration, with negligible sonochemical activity at near-vacuum conditions. We therefore conclude that radical generation is dominated by acoustic cavitation in conventional PZT-based ultrasonic reactors, regardless of the excitation frequency.Sequentially precipitated Mg-promoted nickel-silica catalysts with ageing performed under various ultrasonic intensities were employed to study the catalyst performance in the partial hydrogenation of sunflower oil. Results from various characterisation studies showed that increasing ultrasonic intensity caused a higher degree of hydroxycarbonate erosion and suppressed the formation of Ni silicates and silica support, which improved Ni dispersion, BET surface area and catalyst reducibility. Growth of silica clusters on the catalyst aggregates were observed in the absence of ultrasonication, which explained the higher silica and nickel silicate content on the outer surface of the catalyst particle. Application of ultrasound also altered the electron density of the Ni species, which led to higher activity and enhanced product selectivity for sonicated catalysts. The catalyst synthesised with ultrasonic intensity of 20.78 Wcm-2 achieved 22.6% increase in hydrogenation activity, along with 28.5% decrease in trans-C181 yield at IV = 70, thus supporting the feasibility of such technique.Flea-borne pathogens were screened from 100 individual cat fleas using a PCR approach, of which 38 % were infected with at least one bacterium. Overall, 28 % of the flea samples were positive for Bartonella as inferred from ITS DNA region. Of these, 25 % (7/28) were identified as Bartonella clarridgeiae, 42.9 % (12/28) as Bartonella henselae consisted of two different strains, and 32.1 % (9/28) as Bartonella koehlerae, which was detected for the first time in Malaysia. Sequencing of gltA amplicons detected Rickettsia DNA in 14 % of cat flea samples, all of them identified as Rickettsia asembonensis (100 %). None of the flea samples were positive for Mycoplasma DNA in 16S rRNA gene detection. Four fleas were co-infected with Bartonella and Rickettsia DNAs. Statistical analyses reveal no significant association between bacterial infection and mtDNA diversity of the cat flea. Nevertheless, in all types of pathogen infections, infected populations demonstrated lower nucleotide and haplotype diversities compared to uninfected populations. Moreover, lower haplotype numbers were observed in infected populations.Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a disease caused by RVF virus (RVFV) which can cause infections in a range of wild and domestic ruminants as well as in humans and characterized by an increased incidence of abortion in ruminants. This study aims to survey the seroprevalence and risk factors of this zoonose among aborted sheep in Kurdistan province, the west of Iran. 182 blood samples were collected from aborted sheep during the past one month under age groups  0.05). Results obtained in this study indicated the presence of low-level RVFV circulation among the sheep of Kurdistan Province in Iran, so it is necessary to carry out further studies in other areas of Iran. Doing an epidemiologically study aimed at isolating RVFV in the ruminants of Kurdistan province is recommended. The risk factor of bordering with Iran's western neighbor (Iraq) requires seriously control of the exchange of animals and the relevant products between the two countries.Study's aims were to characterize subclinical bacteriuria (SB) and sporadic bacterial cystitis (SBC) in dogs with spontaneous hypercortisolism (HC). Prospective cross-sectional design divided patients as newly diagnosed (n = 27), poorly controlled (n  = 21), well controlled (n  = 34), and controls (n  = 19). Urine culture positive results were identified by MALDI-TOF and submitted to antibiogram. Escherichia coli was the most common microorganism (36%). The majority of positive cultures in HC were SB (12.2%). All 4.1% SBC cases were in well controlled HC cases. Bacteriuria correlated with low urine specific gravity and low lymphocyte count. HC degree of control correlated with leukocyturia. SB/SBC cases were treated based in antimicrobial susceptibility leading to microbiological cure in 75% of HC cases. Persistent infections occurred only in SB cases, all by E. coli which became more resistant. SB/SBC prevalence in canine HC is actually lower. Further evidence for current ISCAID guideline contraindication for SB treatment due to HC were provided.