Major pelvic trauma (MPT) with traumatic hemipelvectomy (THP) is rare, but it is a catastrophic health problem caused by high-energy injury leading to separation of the lower extremity from the axial skeleton, which is associated with a high incidence of intra-abdominal and multi-systemic injuries. THP is generally performed as a lifesaving protocol to return the patient to an active life. A 12-year male patient exposed to major pelvic trauma with bilateral THP survived the trauma and multiple lifesaving operations. The anterolateral thigh flap is the method used for wound reconstruction. The follow-up was ended with colostomy and cystostomy with wheelchair mobilization. To the best of our knowledge, there have been a few bilateral THP reports, and our case is the second one to be successfully treated with an anterolateral thigh flap. MPT with THP is the primary cause of death among trauma patients. Life-threatening hemorrhage is the usual cause of death, which is a strong indication for THP to save life. MPT with THP is the primary cause of death among trauma patients. Life-threatening hemorrhage is the usual cause of death, which is a strong indication for THP to save life.A systematic revision of the scale mites of the genus Neopterygosoma Fajfer, 2019 (Acariformes Pterygosomatidae) formerly placed in the genus Pterygosoma Peters, 1849, is presented. Two new natural species groups are established the chilensis group for species found on Chilean liolaemid lizards (Sauria Liolaemidae) and the patagonica group for N. patagonica (Dittmar de la Cruz, Morando & Avila, 2004) found on several Liolaemus spp. from Argentina. A neotype of N. patagonica is designated. A leg chaetotaxy model for tarsi-coxae I-IV is proposed for the genus. A key to all species of Neopterygosoma is provided and a full list of Neopterygosoma spp. with their updated host associations and distribution data is compiled. Additionally, a new species, N. schroederi n. sp. found on Liolaemus schroederi Müller & Hellmich, is described, including for the first time, description and illustrations of the immature stages of a species of Neopterygosoma.Three species of Dioncopseudobenedenia Yamaguti, 1965 (Monogenea Capsalidae Benedeniinae) have been described, all found parasitising Naso spp. (Acanthuridae) and Siganus lineatus (Siganidae), in Hawaii, the Great Barrier Reef, and New Caledonia in the Pacific. In this paper, D. elongata n. sp. is described, found parasitising the gills of N. unicornis (Forsskål) caught off Okinawa-jima Island. Dioncopseudobenedenia kala Yamaguti, 1965 is also reported, found parasitising the gills of N. unicornis, and those of a new host, the common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus (Coryphaenidae), off Okinawa and Kochi prefectures, Japan. The new species differed from known species in both nuclear (28S rDNA and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) and mitochondrial DNA (cox1) sequences. Morphologically, the new species differed from other species of Dioncopseudobenedenia in possessing a longer accessory sclerite and a thick, short penis. No species of Dioncopseudobenedenia have been detected during past examinations of C. hippurus; this instance was probably an accidental infection. A key for identification of the species of Dioncopseudobenedenia is also provided herein.The present study considers the behavior of nitrogen compounds in the shallow groundwater-soil system as necessary for the functioning of the nitrogen cycle within agricultural landscapes and one of the first steps of the formation of groundwater chemical composition. Data were collected in 2011-2018 within the Poyang Lake area (Jiangxi Province, China), where agricultural landscapes prevail. The soil and groundwater samples were taken in different periods of an agricultural season at the beginning of the agricultural season (spring) and after harvesting (autumn). The combined geochemical data on the chemical and microbiological composition of the soils and shallow groundwater and isotopic data on dissolved nitrate allowed researchers to resolve that nitrogen enters the system in the form of organic compounds, particularly, due to the soil fertilization at the beginning of the agricultural season. Organic nitrogen compounds transform into nitrate under the influence of nitrifiers in the soil before getting the shallow aquifer, where the occurrence of denitrification is suggested. Within the Ganjiang and Xiushui interfluve, reducing conditions, together with the formation of clay minerals from the aqueous solution, may serve a geochemical barrier for the accumulation of nitrogen compounds preventing the transformation of ammonium to nitrate and providing its sorption. It also should be noted that bacterial diversity in the shallow groundwater has a strong relation with the amount of nitrate in the system, whereas in the soil, it is connected with sampling depth. Increases in fasting plasma glucose (PG) levels lead to a decrease in 2-deoxy-2-[ F]fluoro-D-glucose ([ F]FDG) uptake in the normal brain, especially in the precuneus, resulting in an Alzheimer's disease (AD)-like uptake pattern. Therefore, patients with higher PG levels, such as those with diabetes, can be erroneously diagnosed with AD when positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is done using [ F]FDG, due to reduced uptake of [ F]FDG in the precuneus. To help avoid an erroneous diagnosis of AD due to differences in glucose metabolism, evaluating cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the brain is useful. However, current techniques such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and [ O]H O PET have limitations regarding early diagnosis of AD because the images they produce are of low resolution. Here, we developed a novel CBF PET tracer that may be more useful than [ F]FDG for diagnosis of AD. We synthesized and evaluated N-isopropyl-p-[ C]methylamphetamine ([ C]4) as a carbon-11-labeled a. [ C]4 is a potential novel CBF PET tracer. Further validation studies are needed before [ C]4 can be used in humans. [11C]4 is a potential novel CBF PET tracer. Further validation studies are needed before [11C]4 can be used in humans.