ould be considered at least for this group. In ACs, MMR deficiency is even more frequent (18%) than in colon cancer and often has a Lynch-suggestive profile, thus routine testing is warranted. Male gender, pushing-border infiltration, ampullary-duodenal origin, medullary histology, and tumor-related inflammation have a significantly higher association with MMR deficiency. MMR-deficient tumors have less aggressive behavior. PD-L1 expression is common in medullary-phenotype ACs, thus immunotherapy should be considered at least for this group. Blood biomarkers have not been widely investigated in poststroke epilepsy. In this study, we aimed to describe clinical factors and biomarkers present during acute stroke and analyze their association with the development of epilepsy at long term. A panel of 14 blood biomarkers was evaluated in patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Biomarkers were normalized and standardized using Z-scores. Stroke and epilepsy-related variables were also assessed stroke severity, determined by National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, stroke type and cause, time from stroke to onset of late seizures, and type of seizure. Multiple Cox regression models were used to identify clinical variables and biomarkers independently associated with epilepsy. From a cohort of 1115 patients, 895 patients were included. Mean±standard deviation (SD) age was 72.0±13.1years, and 57.8% of patients were men. Fifty-one patients (5.7%) developed late seizures, with a median time to onset of 232days (interquartile ranglinical risk factors. In addition, these data are hypothesis-generating for the epileptogenic process. Downregulated S100B and Hsc70 and upregulated endostatin may assist in prediction of poststroke epilepsy and may provide additional information to clinical risk factors. In addition, these data are hypothesis-generating for the epileptogenic process. To estimate pooled all-cause