ants. Children are at a greater risk for environmental exposure which justifies the rationale for this study. Results of this study will be distributed at conferences, in peer-reviewed journals and to the participants of the study. Cross-sectional, observational survey to describe the impact of allergic rhinitis (AR) on Australian children (2 to 15 years). Participants (n=1541), parents of children aged 2 to 15 years, provided information on behalf of themselves and one eligible child in their household using a custom-built online questionnaire. Children were allocated to case (AR) or control (No AR) analysis groups based on a validated screening questionnaire. The study sample was stratified on age primary analysis population (6 to 15 years, n=1111; AR=797, No AR=314); exploratory population (2 to 5 years). The primary endpoint, parent-perceived burden, was quantified using a validated measure of health status and analysed via comparison of means. The majority of AR cases were treated (730/797; 90.3%) and classified as having moderate-severe, intermittent AR (549/797; 68.9%). Half reported adequate symptom control in the prior 2 weeks (389/797; 48.8%; OR=4.04; 95% CI (CI) 2.24 to 7.31). Having AR was associated with worse overats many areas of day-to-day living. Inadequate symptom control is a key driver of the extent of this impact. Opportunities to optimise the management of AR in children include the adoption of self-assessment tools to gauge and monitor adequacy of symptom control. The global research group, DIPLOMATIC (Using eviDence, Implementation science, and a clinical trial PLatform to Optimise MATernal and newborn health in low Income Countries), aims to reduce stillbirths and preterm births and optimise outcomes for babies born preterm. Minimum datasets for routine data collection in healthcare facilities participating in DIPLOMATIC (initially in Malawi) were designed to assist understanding of baseline ma