However, 15.1 % experienced it as being exclusively negative. Concerning objective sex education, 15.7 % misjudged frequent masturbation as being psychologically harmful or did not know better. Furthermore, 9.3 % believed homosexuality to be a disease. Differences between years of training could not be found in these variables. The knowledge about sexual assistance increased with higher training years. Conclusions Regarding these results, we suggest that the subject of sexuality in old age should be intensified as part of the curriculum for geriatric nursing from an early stage on. The aim should be to reduce tabooing and to increase the level of knowledge.This study explored women's lived experience of making fertility decisions six years after attending the Fertility Assessment and Counselling (FAC) clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark, which is a personalised fertility awareness intervention. We conducted a qualitative interview study with 24 women who attended the FAC clinic 6 years earlier. Interviews were semi-structured and broadly examined the women's perceptions and experience of the intervention during follow-up. Data was analysed using a phenomenological framework and themes were identified related to women's experience of making fertility decisions after attending the FAC clinic. The overarching theme regarding the women's lived experience of making fertility decisions after attending the FAC clinic was Fertility decisions were guided by the 'family clock'. There were four themes (i) Deciding to 'get started' by attending the FAC clinic; (ii) Sense of making informed and empowered decisions; (iii) Influence of partner status on fertility decisions; and (iv) Decisions dictated by circumstance over preference and knowledge. At follow-up, the majority (21 women, 88%) had become parents. More than half of the women said that they had not achieved their desired family size. Consideration of women's 'family