Neuropeptide S (NPS) is a peptide neurotransmitter that in animal studies promotes wakefulness and arousal with simultaneous anxiety reduction, in some inconsistency with results in humans. We examined the effect of NPS on rat ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) as an index of affective state and on behaviour in novel environments in rats with persistent inter-individual differences in exploratory activity. Adult male Wistar rats were categorised as of high (HE) or low (LE) exploratory activity and NPS was administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) at a dose of 1.0 nmol/5 µL, after which USVs were recorded in the home-cage and a novel standard housing cage, and behaviour evaluated in exploration/anxiety tests. NPS induced a massive production of long and short 22 kHz USVs in the home cage that continued later in the novel environment; no effect on 50 kHz USVs were found. In LE-rats, the long 22 kHz calls were emitted at lower frequencies and were louder. The effects of NPS on behaviour appeared novelty- and test-dependent. NPS had an anxiolytic-like effect in LE-rats only in the elevated zero-maze, whereas in HE-rats, locomotor activity in the zero-maze and in a novel standard cage was increased. Thus NPS appears as a psychostimulant peptide but with a complex effect on dimensions of affect.While the benefits of physical activity (PA) during and after pregnancy have been established, many women do not reach the recommended PA levels during this time. A major barrier found in the literature is a lack of counselling by healthcare providers (HCPs), which is partly caused by the limited knowledge on the topic. The aim of this study was to develop an intervention to improve the promotion of PA by HCPs. We used Intervention Mapping (IM), a theory-based framework to develop an intervention, called "Baby steps", in a high-income (Austria) and a low-to-middle-income country (South Africa). We applied the following IM steps (1) A needs assessment to determine the barriers and enablers of PA promotion by HCPs, including a scoping literature review and community needs assessments (qualitative interviews, questionnaires, and focus groups with midwives, obstetricians, and community health workers) to determine the desired outcomes of the intervention. (2) Performance and change objectives were formulated, describing the behaviors that need to change for the intervention to succeed. (3) Based on these objectives, theory-based behavior change techniques were selected, and practical applications were developed. (4) The applications were combined into two evidence-based interventions tailored to each country's needs. Step (5) and (6) consist of an implementation and evaluation plan, respectively. The intervention is aimed at HCPs, such as midwives and community health workers, consisting of a two-day training course, including practical resources. Combining didactic and interactive education, it addresses both PA knowledge and the skills needed to transfer knowledge and facilitate behavior change. In the future, the intervention's effect on women's activity levels during and after pregnancy needs to be studied.Plant diseases pose a substantial threat to food availability, accessibility, and security as they account for economic losses of nearly $300 billion on a global scale. Although various strategies exist to reduce the impact of diseases, they can introduce harmful chemicals to the food chain and have an impact on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to understand and exploit the plants' immune systems to control the spread of pathogens and enable sustainable agriculture. Recently, growing pieces of evidence suggest a functional myriad of lipids to be involved in providing structural integrity, intracellular and extracellular signal transduction mediators to substantial cross-kingdom cell signaling at the host-pathogen interface. Furthermore, some pathogens recognize or exchange plant lipid-derived signals to identify an appropriate host or development, whereas others activate defense-related gene expression. Typically, the membrane serves as a reservoir of lipids. The set of lipids involved in plant-pathogen interaction includes fatty acids, oxylipins, phospholipids, glycolipids, glycerolipids, sphingolipids, and sterols. Overall, lipid signals influence plant-pathogen interactions at various levels ranging from the communication of virulence factors to the activation and implementation of host plant immune defenses. The current review aims to summarize the progress made in recent years regarding the involvement of lipids in plant-pathogen interaction and their crucial role in signal transduction.Taking into account X-ray diffraction, one of the well-known methods for calculating the stress-strain of crystals is Williamson-Hall (W-H). The W-H method has three models, namely (1) Uniform deformation model (UDM); (2) Uniform stress deformation model (USDM); and (3) Uniform deformation energy density model (UDEDM). The USDM and UDEDM models are directly related to the modulus of elasticity (E). Young's modulus is a key parameter in engineering design and materials development. Young's modulus is considered in USDM and UDEDM models, but in all previous studies, researchers used the average values of Young's modulus or they calculated Young's modulus only for a sharp peak of an XRD pattern or they extracted Young's modulus from the literature. Therefore, these values are not representative of all peaks derived from X-ray diffraction; as a result, these values are not estimated with high accuracy. Nevertheless, in the current study, the W-H method is used considering the all diffracted planes of the unit cell and super cells (2 × 2 × 2) of Hydroxyapatite (HA), and a new method with the high accuracy of the W-H method in the USDM model is presented to calculate stress (σ) and strain (ε). The accounting for the planar density of atoms is the novelty of this work. Furthermore, the ultrasonic pulse-echo test is performed for the validation of the novelty assumptions.With the expansion of the area under Cruciferae vegetable cultivation, and an increase in the incidence of natural threats such as pests and diseases globally, Cruciferae vegetable losses caused by pathogens, insects, and pests are on the rise. As one of the key metabolites produced by Cruciferae vegetables, glucosinolate (GLS) is not only an indicator of their quality but also controls infestation by numerous fungi, bacteria, aphids, and worms. Today, the safe and pollution-free production of vegetables is advocated globally, and environmentally friendly pest and disease control strategies, such as biological control, to minimize the adverse impacts of pathogen and insect pest stress on Cruciferae vegetables, have attracted the attention of researchers. This review explores the mechanisms via which GLS acts as a defensive substance, participates in responses to biotic stress, and enhances plant tolerance to the various stress factors. According to the current research status, future research directions are also proposed.