Vasoreactivity analysis revealed that renal arteries from Zdhhc21dep/dep mice displayed reduced constriction response to α1AR agonist phenylephrine compared to those from wild-type mice. Consistently, inhibiting PATs with 2-bromopalmitate caused a blunted vasoconstriction response to phenylephrine in small arteries isolated from human kidneys. Therefore, DHHC21 contributes to impaired renal perfusion and function during septic injury via promoting α1AR palmitoylation-associated vasoconstriction.Contact dermatitis (CD) is among the most common inflammatory dermatological conditions and includes allergic CD, photoallergic CD, irritant CD, photoirritant CD (also called phototoxic CD) and protein CD. Occupational CD can be of any type and is the most prevalent occupational skin disease. Each CD type is characterized by different immunological mechanisms and/or requisite exposures. Clinical manifestations of CD vary widely and multiple subtypes may occur simultaneously. The diagnosis relies on clinical presentation, thorough exposure assessment and evaluation with techniques such as patch testing and skin-prick testing. Management is based on patient education, avoidance strategies of specific substances, and topical treatments; in severe or recalcitrant cases, which can negatively affect the quality of life of patients, systemic medications may be needed.The northern and northwestern margins of the Arabian Plate are a locus of a diffuse and long-lasting (early Miocene to Pleistocene) Na-alkali basaltic volcanism, sourced in the asthenosphere mantle. The upwelling asthenosphere at the Africa-Arabia margin produces very limited magma volumes in the axial zone. Therefore, portions of hot, fertile mantle continue their eastward migration and are stored at shallower depths under the 100-km thick Arabian lithosphere, which is much thinner than the African one (≈175 km) this causes the occurrence and 20-Ma persistence of magma supply under the study area. Erupted basalts sampled a continuous variation of the mantle source, with a striking correlation among temperature, pressure and isotopic composition shifting between two end members a 100 km-deep, more depleted source, and a 60 km-deep, more enriched one. In particular, we observed an unusual variation in boron isotopes, which in the oceanic domain does not vary between more depleted and more enriched mantle sources. This study shows that, at least in the considered region, subcontinental mantle is more heterogeneous than the suboceanic one, and able to record for very long times recycling of shallow material.In a randomized clinical trial of 86 hospitalized COVID-19 patients comparing standard care to treatment with 300mL convalescent plasma containing high titers of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, no overall clinical benefit was observed. Using a comprehensive translational approach, we unravel the virological and immunological responses following treatment to disentangle which COVID-19 patients may benefit and should be the focus of future studies. Convalescent plasma is safe, does not improve survival, has no effect on the disease course, nor does plasma enhance viral clearance in the respiratory tract, influence SARS-CoV-2 antibody development or serum proinflammatory cytokines levels. Here, we show that the vast majority of patients already had potent neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at hospital admission and with comparable titers to carefully selected plasma donors. This resulted in the decision to terminate the trial prematurely. Treatment with convalescent plasma should be studied early in the disease course or at least preceding autologous humoral response development.The visual pathway is retinotopically organized and sensitive to gaze position, leading us to hypothesize that subjects using visual prostheses incorporating eye position would perform better on perceptual tasks than with devices that are merely head-steered. We had sighted subjects read sentences from the MNREAD corpus through a simulation of artificial vision under conditions of full gaze compensation, and head-steered viewing. With 2000 simulated phosphenes, subjects (n = 23) were immediately able to read under full gaze compensation and were assessed at an equivalent visual acuity of 1.0 logMAR, but were nearly unable to perform the task under head-steered viewing. At the largest font size tested, 1.4 logMAR, subjects read at 59 WPM (50% of normal speed) with 100% accuracy under the full-gaze condition, but at 0.7 WPM (under 1% of normal) with below 15% accuracy under head-steering. We conclude that gaze-compensated prostheses are likely to produce considerably better patient outcomes than those not incorporating eye movements.This study introduces a practical approach to fabricate a novel hybrid acidic catalyst, namely sulfamic acid pyromellitic diamide-functionalized MCM-41 (MCM-41-APS-PMDA-NHSO3H). Various techniques such as FTIR, TGA, XRD, BET, FESEM, and EDX were used to confirm its structural characteristics. The efficiency of the new MCM-41-APS-PMDA-NHSO3H organosilica nanomaterials, as a heterogenous nanocatalyst, was examined in the synthesis of biologically active 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2-(1H)-one derivatives under solvent-free conditions. It was found that the nanoporous MCM-41-APS-PMDA-NHSO3H, demonstrating acidic nature and high surface area, can activate all the Biginelli reaction components to afford desired 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2-(1H)-ones under solvent-free conditions in short reaction time. Furthermore, easy and quick isolation of the new introduced hybrid organosilica from the reaction mixture as well as its reusability with negligible loss of activity in at least five consecutive runs are another advantages of this green protocol.Lapatinib (L) plus trastuzumab (T), with endocrine therapy for estrogen receptor (ER)+ tumors, but without chemotherapy, yielded meaningful response in HER2+ breast cancer (BC) neoadjuvant trials. The irreversible/pan-HER inhibitor neratinib (N) has proven more potent than L. However, the efficacy of N+T in comparison to pertuzumab (P) + T or L + T (without chemotherapy) remains less studied. To address this, mice bearing HER2+ BT474-AZ (ER+) cell and BCM-3963 patient-derived BC xenografts were randomized to vehicle, N, T, P, N+T, or P+T, with simultaneous estrogen deprivation for BT474-AZ. Time to tumor regression/progression and incidence/time to complete response (CR) were determined. Changes in key HER pathway and proliferative markers were assessed by immunohistochemistry and western blot of short-term-treated tumors. In the BT474-AZ model, while all N, P, T, N + T, and P + T treated tumors regressed, N + T-treated tumors regressed faster than P, T, and P + T. Further, N + T was superior to N and T alone in accelerating CR.