Among them, several are involved in plant-pathogen response, which could explain why the 20rDNA line is hyper-resistant to both bacterial and nematode infections. Finally, we show that the TDDOs create gene fusions and/or truncations and discuss their potential implications for the evolution of plant genomes.Catalytic-inactivating mutations within the Drosophila enhancer H3K4 mono-methyltransferase Trr and its mammalian homologs, MLL3/4, cause only minor changes in gene expression compared with whole-gene deletions for these COMPASS members. To identify essential histone methyltransferase-independent functions of Trr, we screened to identify a minimal Trr domain sufficient to rescue Trr-null lethality and demonstrate that this domain binds and stabilizes Utx in vivo. Using the homologous MLL3/MLL4 human sequences, we mapped a short ∼80-amino-acid UTX stabilization domain (USD) that promotes UTX stability in the absence of the rest of MLL3/4. Nuclear UTX stability is enhanced when the USD is fused with the MLL4 HMG-box. Thus, COMPASS-dependent UTX stabilization is an essential noncatalytic function of Trr/MLL3/MLL4, suggesting that stabilizing UTX could be a therapeutic strategy for cancers with MLL3/4 loss-of-function mutations.Process mapping is a systems thinking approach used to understand, analyse and optimise processes within complex systems. We aim to demonstrate how this methodology can be applied during disease outbreaks to strengthen response and health systems. Process mapping exercises were conducted during three unique emerging disease outbreak contexts with different mode of transmission, size, and health system infrastructure. System functioning improved considerably in each country. In Sierra Leone, laboratory testing was accelerated from 6 days to within 24 hours. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, time to suspected case notification reduced from 7 to 3 days. In Nigeria, key data reached the national level in 48 hours instead of 5 days. Our research shows that despite the chaos and complexities associated with emerging pathogen outbreaks, the implementation of a process mapping exercise can address immediate response priorities while simultaneously strengthening components of a health system.Infectious disease outbreaks pose major threats to human health and security. Countries with robust capacities for preventing, detecting and responding to outbreaks can avert many of the social, political, economic and health system costs of such crises. The Global Health Security Index (GHS Index)-the first comprehensive assessment and benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across 195 countries-recently found that no country is sufficiently prepared for epidemics or pandemics. The GHS Index can help health security stakeholders identify areas of weakness, as well as opportunities to collaborate across sectors, collectively strengthen health systems and achieve shared public health goals. Some scholars have recently offered constructive critiques of the GHS Index's approach to scoring and ranking countries; its weighting of select indicators; its emphasis on transparency; its focus on biosecurity and biosafety capacities; and divergence between select country scores and corresponding COVID-19-associated caseloads, morbidity, and mortality. Here, we (1) describe the practical value of the GHS Index; (2) present potential use cases to help policymakers and practitioners maximise the utility of the tool; (3) discuss the importance of scoring and ranking; (4) describe the robust methodology underpinning country scores and ranks; (5) highlight the GHS Index's emphasis on transparency and (6) articulate caveats for users wishing to use GHS Index data in health security research, policymaking and practice. Evidence on the rate at which the double burden of malnutrition unfolds is limited. We quantified trends and inequalities in the nutritional status of adolescent girls and adult women in sub-Saharan Africa. We analysed 102 Demographic and Health Surveys between 1993 and 2017 from 35 countries. We assessed regional trends through cross-sectional series analyses and ran multilevel linear regression models to estimate the average annual rate of change (AARC) in the prevalence of underweight, anaemia, anaemia during pregnancy, overweight and obesity among women by their age, residence, wealth and education levels. We quantified current absolute inequalities in these indicators and wealth-inequality trends. There was a modest decline in underweight prevalence (AARC=-0.14 percentage points (pp), 95% CI -0.17 to -0.11). Anaemia declined fastest among adult women and the richest pregnant women with an AARC of -0.67 pp (95% CI -1.06 to -0.28) and -0.97 pp (95% CI -1.60 to -0.34), respectively, although it affecta, remaining high among all women. Multifaceted responses with an equity lens are needed to ensure no woman is left behind. Infratentorial and spinal cord lesions are important for diagnosing and monitoring multiple sclerosis, but they are difficult to detect on conventional MR imaging. We sought to improve the detection of infratentorial and upper cervical cord lesions using composite FLAIR3 images. 3D T2-weighted FLAIR and 3D T2-weighted images were acquired in 30 patients with MS and combined using the FLAIR3 formula. FLAIR3 was assessed against 3D T2-FLAIR by comparing the number of infratentorial and upper cervical cord lesions per subject using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Intrarater and interrater reliability was evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient. The number of patients with and without ≥1 visible infratentorial/spinal cord lesion on 3D T2-FLAIR versus FLAIR3 was calculated to assess the potential impact on the revised MS diagnostic criteria. Compared with 3D T2-FLAIR, FLAIR3 detected significantly more infratentorial (mean, 4.6 ± 3.6 versus 2.0 ± 1.8, < .001) and cervical cord (mean, 1.58 ± 0.94 versus 0.46 ± 0.45, < .001) lesions per subject. FLAIR3 demonstrated significantly improved interrater reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.77 [95% CI, 0.63-0.87] versus 0.60 [95% CI, 0.40-0.76] with 3D T2-FLAIR, = .019) and a tendency toward a higher intrarater reliability (0.86 [95% CI, 0.73-0.93] versus 0.79 [95% CI, 0.61-0.89], = .23). In our cohort, 20%-30% (47%-67%) of the subjects with MS had  ≥ 1 infratentorial (cervical cord) lesion visible only on FLAIR3. FLAIR3 provides higher sensitivity than T2-FLAIR for the detection of MS lesions in infratentorial brain parenchyma and the upper cervical cord. FLAIR3 provides higher sensitivity than T2-FLAIR for the detection of MS lesions in infratentorial brain parenchyma and the upper cervical cord.