BACKGROUND LiaRS mediates Bacillus subtilis response to cell envelope perturbations. A third protein, LiaF, has an inhibitory role over LiaRS in the absence of stimulus. Together, LiaF and LiaRS form a three-component system characterized by an unusual stoichiometry, a 41 ratio between LiaS and LiaR, the significance of which in the signal transduction mechanism of LiaRS is not entirely understood. RESULTS We measured, for the first time, the kinetics of the phosphorylation-dependent processes of LiaRS, the DNA-binding affinity of LiaR, and characterized the effect of phosphorylation on LiaR oligomerization state. Our study reveals that LiaS is less proficient as a phosphatase. Consequently, unspecific phosphorylation of LiaR by acetyl phosphate may be significant in vivo. This drawback is exacerbated by the strong interaction between LiaR and its own promoter, as it can drive LiaRS into losing grip over its own control in the absence of stimuli. These intrinsic, seemingly 'disadvantageous", attributes of LiaRS are likely overcome by the higher concentration of LiaS over LiaR in vivo, and a pro-phosphatase role of LiaF. CONCLUSIONS Overall, our study shows that despite the conservative nature of two-component systems, they are, ultimately, tailored to meet specific cell needs by modulating the dynamics of interactions among their components and the kinetics of phosphorylation-mediated processes.BACKGROUND Synonymous mutations are able to change the tAI (tRNA adaptation index) of a codon and consequently affect the local translation rate. Intuitively, one may hypothesize that those synonymous mutations which increase the tAI values are favored by natural selection. RESULTS We use the maize (Zea mays) genome to test our assumption. The first supporting evidence is that the tAI-increasing synonymous mutations have higher fixed-to-polymorphic ratios than the tAI-decreasing ones. Next, the DAF (derived allele frequency