Cu-dependent lysyl oxidase (LOX) plays a catalytic activity-related, primary role in the assembly of the extracellular matrix (ECM), a dynamic structural and regulatory framework which is essential for cell fate, differentiation and communication during development, tissue maintenance and repair. LOX, additionally, plays both activity-dependent and independent extracellular, intracellular and nuclear roles that fulfill significant functions in normal tissues, and contribute to vascular, cardiac, pulmonary, dermal, placenta, diaphragm, kidney and pelvic floor disorders. LOX activities have also been recognized in glioblastoma, diabetic neovascularization, osteogenic differentiation, bone matrix formation, ligament remodeling, polycystic ovary syndrome, fetal membrane rupture and tumor progression and metastasis. In an inflammatory context, LOX plays a role in diminishing pluripotent mesenchymal cell pools which are relevant to the pathology of diabetes, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Most of these conditions involve mechanisms with complex cell and tissue type-specific interactions of LOX with signaling pathways, not only as a regulatory target, but also as an active player, including LOX-mediated alterations of cell surface receptor functions and mutual regulatory activities within signaling loops. In this review, we aim to provide insight into the diverse ways in which LOX participates in signaling events, and explore the mechanistic details and functional significance of the regulatory and cross-regulatory interactions of LOX with the EGFR, PDGF, VEGF, TGF-β, mechano-transduction, inflammatory and steroid signaling pathways.Point-of-care (POC) or near-patient testing allows clinicians to accurately achieve real-time diagnostic results performed at or near to the patient site. The outlook of POC devices is to provide quicker analyses that can lead to well-informed clinical decisions and hence improve the health of patients at the point-of-need. Microfluidics plays an important role in the development of POC devices. However, requirements of handling expertise, pumping systems and complex fluidic controls make the technology unaffordable to the current healthcare systems in the world. In recent years, capillary-driven flow microfluidics has emerged as an attractive microfluidic-based technology to overcome these limitations by offering robust, cost-effective and simple-to-operate devices. The internal wall of the microchannels can be pre-coated with reagents, and by merely dipping the device into the patient sample, the sample can be loaded into the microchannel driven by capillary forces and can be detected via handheld or smartphone-based detectors. The capabilities of capillary-driven flow devices have not been fully exploited in developing POC diagnostics, especially for antimicrobial resistance studies in clinical settings. The purpose of this review is to open up this field of microfluidics to the ever-expanding microfluidic-based scientific community.Tissue injury and inflammatory response trigger the development of fibrosis in various diseases. It has been recognized that both innate and adaptive immune cells are important players with multifaceted functions in fibrogenesis. The activated immune cells produce various cytokines, modulate the differentiation and functions of myofibroblasts via diverse molecular mechanisms, and regulate fibrotic development. The immune cells exhibit differential functions during different stages of fibrotic diseases. In this review, we summarized recent advances in understanding the roles of immune cells in regulating fibrotic development and immune-based therapies in different disorders and discuss the underlying molecular mechanisms with a focus on mTOR and JAK-STAT signaling pathways.An ideal scaffold should be biocompatible, having appropriate microstructure, excellent mechanical strength yet degrades. Chitosan exhibits most of these exceptional properties, but it is always associated with sub-optimal cytocompatibility. This study aimed to incorporate graphene oxide at wt % of 0, 2, 4, and 6 into chitosan matrix via direct blending of chitosan solution and graphene oxide, freezing, and freeze drying. Cell fixation, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide, alkaline phosphatase colorimetric assays were conducted to assess cell adhesion, proliferation, and early differentiation of MG63 on chitosan-graphene oxide scaffolds respectively. The presence of alkaline phosphatase, an early osteoblast differentiation marker, was further detected in chitosan-graphene oxide scaffolds using western blot. These results strongly supported that chitosan scaffolds loaded with graphene oxide at 2 wt % mediated cell adhesion, proliferation, and early differentiation due to the presence of oxygen-containing functional groups of graphene oxide. Therefore, chitosan scaffolds loaded with graphene oxide at 2 wt % showed the potential to be developed into functional bone scaffolds.In this work, we exploit the versatile function of cationic phosphonium-conjugated polythiophenes to develop multifunctional platforms for imaging and combined therapy (siRNA delivery and photodynamic therapy). The photophysical properties (absorption, emission and light-induced generation of singlet oxygen) of these cationic polythiophenes were found to be sensitive to molecular weight. Upon light irradiation, low molecular weight cationic polythiophenes were able to light-sensitize surrounding oxygen into reactive oxygen species (ROS) while the highest were not due to its aggregation in aqueous media. These polymers are also fluorescent, allowing one to visualize their intracellular location through confocal microscopy. The most promising polymers were then used as vectors for siRNA delivery. Due to their cationic and amphipathic features, these polymers were found to effectively self-assemble with siRNA targeting the luciferase gene and deliver it in MDA-MB-231 cancer cells expressing luciferase, leading to 30-50% of the gene-silencing effect. In parallel, the photodynamic therapy (PDT) activity of these cationic polymers was restored after siRNA delivery, demonstrating their potential for combined PDT and gene therapy.