Intramolecular disulfide bonding pattern of rLaIT2 was identified by endopeptidase fragmentation and mass spectrometry. rLaIT2 showed insecticidal activity and antimicrobial activity, and these are almost identical to those of natural LaIT2. 1H-15N HSQC spectrum of 15N-labeled rLaIT2 indicated that the rLaIT2 has a stable conformation.Keto acids are essential organic acids that are widely applied in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, beverages, and feed additives as well as chemical synthesis. Currently, most keto acids on the market are prepared via chemical synthesis. The biochemical synthesis of keto acids has been discovered with the development of metabolic engineering and applied toward the production of specific keto acids from renewable carbohydrates using different metabolic engineering strategies in microbes. In this review, we provide a systematic summary of the types and applications of keto acids, and then summarize and compare the chemical and biochemical synthesis routes used for the production of typical keto acids, including pyruvic acid, oxaloacetic acid, α-oxobutanoic acid, acetoacetic acid, ketoglutaric acid, levulinic acid, 5-aminolevulinic acid, α-ketoisovaleric acid, α-keto-γ-methylthiobutyric acid, α-ketoisocaproic acid, 2-keto-L-gulonic acid, 2-keto-D-gluconic acid, 5-keto-D-gluconic acid, and phenylpyruvic acid. We also describe the current challenges for the industrial-scale production of keto acids and further strategies used to accelerate the green production of keto acids via biochemical routes.Xylan is the most abundant hemicellulose in nature and as such it is a huge source of renewable carbon. Its bioconversion requires a battery of xylanolytic enzymes. Of them the most important are the endo-β-1,4-xylanases which depolymerize the polysaccharide into smaller fragments. Most of the xylanases are members of glycoside hydrolase (GH) families 10 and 11, although they are classified in some other GH families. The relatively new xylanases of GH30 are of special interest. Initially, they appeared to be specific glucuronoxylanases, however, other specificities were found later among prokaryotic and in particular eukaryotic enzymes. This review gives an overview of the substrate and product specificities observed for the GH30 xylanases characterized to date. An emphasis is given to the structure-activity relationship in order to explain how minor differences in catalytic centre and its vicinity can alter catalytic properties from the endoxylanase into the reducing end xylose releasing exoxylanase or into the non-reducing end xylobiohydrolase. Biotechnological potential of the GH30 xylanases is also considered.Methane, the predominant element in natural gas and biogas, represents a promising alternative to carbon feedstocks in the biotechnological industry due to its low cost and high abundance. The bioconversion of methane to value-added products can enhance the value of gas and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Methanotrophs, methane-utilizing bacteria, can make a significant contribution to the production of various valuable biofuels and chemicals from methane. Type II methanotrophs in comparison with Type I methanotrophs have distinct advantages, including high acetyl-CoA flux and the co-incorporation of two important greenhouse gases (methane and CO2), making it a potential microbial cell-factory platform for methane-derived biomanufacturing. Herein, we review the most recent advances in Type II methanotrophs related to multi-omics studies and metabolic engineering. Representative examples and prospects of metabolic engineering strategies for the production of suitable products are also discussed.Global methane emissions have been steadily increasing over the past few decades, exerting a negative effect on the environment. Biogas from landfills and sewage treatment plants is the main anthropogenic source of methane. This makes methane bioconversion one of the priority areas of biotechnology. This process involves the production of biochemical compounds from non-food sources through microbiological synthesis. Methanotrophic bacteria are a promising tool for methane bioconversion due to their ability to use this greenhouse gas and to produce protein-rich biomass, as well as a broad range of useful organic compounds. Currently, methane is used not only to produce biomass and chemical compounds, but also to increase the efficiency of water and solid waste treatment. However, the use of gaseous substrates in biotechnological processes is associated with some difficulties. The low solubility of methane in water is one of the major problems. Different approaches have been involved to encounter these challenges, including different bioreactor and gas distribution designs, solid carriers and bulk sorbents, as well as varying air/oxygen supply, the ratio of volumetric flow rate of gas mixture to its consumption rate, etc. The aim of this review was to summarize the current data on different bioreactor designs and the aspects of their applications for methane bioconversion and wastewater treatment. The bioreactors used in these processes must meet a number of requirements such as low methane emission, improved gas exchange surface, and controlled substrate supply to the reaction zone. Platelets release platelet-derived extracellular vesicles (PDEVs) upon activation - in a process that is regulated by generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Platelet NADPH oxidase-1 (Nox-1) contributes to ROS generation and thrombus formation downstream of the collagen receptor GPVI. We aimed to investigate whether PDEVs contain Nox-1 and whether this is relevant for PDEV-induced platelet activation. PDEVs were isolated through serial centrifugation after platelet activation with thrombin receptor agonist TRAP-6 (activated PDEVs) or in the absence of agonist (resting PDEVs). The physical properties of PDEVs were analyzed through nanoparticle tracking analysis. Nox-1 levels, fibrinogen binding and P-selectin exposure were measured using flow cytometry, and protein levels quantified by immunoblot analysis. ROS were quantified using DCF fluorescence and electron paramagnetic resonance. Nox-1 was found to be increased on the platelet outer membrane upon activation and was present in PDEVs. PDEVs induced platelet activation, while co-addition of GPVI agonist collagen-related peptide (CRP) did not potentiate this response.