Steroids were administered in 50% of cases. After a mean follow-up of 7.2 years, four patients (16.7%) had a poor kidney outcome end-stage renal disease (n = 3) or a > 50% decrease in eGFR from initial values (n = 1). A similar evolution was observed in patients with primitive IgAN. This first case series suggests that IBD-associated IgAN have frequent inflammatory lesions at onset and variable long-term outcome. This first case series suggests that IBD-associated IgAN have frequent inflammatory lesions at onset and variable long-term outcome.This introduction to the special issue outlines key ways that behavioral medicine researchers can accelerate their science. The authors highlight the 2020 Society of Behavioral Medicine's annual meeting plenary sessions, that fit this theme. Accelerating advances in health behavior change requires releasing the brake, as well as applying the throttle. This paper discusses six challenges or "brakes" that have slowed progress. We engage with six issues that limit investigators' ability to delineate and test the strategy-target and target-behavior relations that underlie effective interventions according to the experimental medicine approach. We discuss the need for guidance on how to identify the relevant mechanism of action (target) in an intervention and whether a periodic table of health behavior constructs might aid investigators. Experimental and correlational analyses (prospective surveys and behavior change techniques) have been used to test the validity of targets, and we present evidence that there is little agreement among the findings from different research designs. Whereas target engagement is typically analyzed in terms of increasing scores on constructs that impel behavior change, we discuss the role of impeding targets and the benefits of adopting a broader construal of potential targets and approaches to engagement. There is presently a paucity of competitive te